Project Substitute Part Line Layout (PSP)

The Project Substitute Part (PROJ_SUBST_PART) table stores substitute part information (that is, parts that can be used instead of the original part) at a project level.

The application cannot process Substitute Part Line Types unless the Item and Project ID exist.

This Line Type is not processed if the item is a Service or a Good. Only P (Part) item types are processed.

If the Substitute Flag column (in the Part Project table) is N(No), you cannot insert rows in the Project Part Substitute table, and an error returns if you attempt to process this table.

You can view or update the information stored in this table on the Substitute Project Parts subtask of the Manage Part Project Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Note: The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value is not provided. The exception is MODIFIED_BY, which is updated using the default value if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults, and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 - 3 Yes PSP is used to indicate Project Substitute Part information.
Part ID PART_ID Character 30 4 - 33 Yes If a Part ID/Part Revision ID/Project ID/Substitute Part ID/Substitute Part Revision ID combination exists, the Project Substitute Part table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Part Revision ID PART_RVSN_ID Character 3 34 - 36 Yes (If revisions are used) If a Part ID/Part Revision ID/Project ID/Substitute Part ID/Substitute Part Revision ID combination exists, the Project Substitute Part table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked. The default is a space.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

Project ID PROJ_ID Character 30 37 - 66 Yes The Project ID must exist in the Project (PROJ) table. This value must exist for your company ID.
Substitute Part ID SUBST_PART_ID Character 30 67 - 96 Yes The Substitute Part ID/Substitute Part Revision ID must exist in the Part table. If the Separate Items by Company check box is selected on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, this field's value must exist for the user's company ID. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box, the revision is not be checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Substitute Part Revision ID SUBST_PART_RVSN_ID Character 3 97 - 99 No The Substitute Part ID / Substitute Part Revision ID must exist in the Part table. The default is a space. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not be checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

Usage Sequence Number USAGE_SEQ_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 100 - 103 Yes The input file format is 9999 (maximum four characters). The maximum value is 9999. No embedded commas or decimal points are allowed.
Interchangeable Flag *INTERCH_FL Character 1 104 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is Y.
User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_BY Character 18 105 - 122 No The default is UPLOAD. If a value is not provided, the program modifies the MODIFIED_BY column using the current user ID as the default.
Status SUBST_PART.S_INTERCH_CD Character 1 123 Yes The value must be U (Use-up/Interchangeable), I (Interchangeable),  N (Non-interchangeable), X (Invalid Substitute)

* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.