Print the Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report

Print the Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report immediately after you have updated your unbilled information using the Update Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen.

To print the report:

  1. In the Selection Ranges block, select the grouping.

    This determines how the information is sorted on the report. The valid options from the drop-down list are:

    • Project
    • Organization
    • Project Manager
    • Project Type (for example, Cost Plus Fixed Fee or Time and Materials)
    • Project Classification (for example, commercial or government)
    • Project Account Group
    • Customer
    • Bill User Group
    • Reason Code
  2. In the Selection Ranges block, select the Option, Start and End parameters for the grouping selected.
  3. If you are grouping by Organization, select the Organization Level in the Include group box.

    This is the highest organization level that you want printed on the report. Balances are rolled up to this organization level.

  4. In the Include group box, identify the highest Project Level that you want printed on the report. Balances are rolled up to this project level.
  5. In the Selection Ranges block, select a valid Fiscal Year/Period/Subpd combination for which to print the report.
  6. In the Revenue Rate Type group box, select the option for the revenue rate type, Actual or Target, that your company uses to recognize its revenue.

    On the Summary Report, this selection determines the ITD Revenue column of the unbilled equation. On the Detail Report, the unbilled balance derives from the General Ledger, which already contains the revenue postings. However, the Revenue Rate Type selection affects the Current Year Rate Variance on the Detail report. Billings generally use provisional rates; therefore, revenue postings at actual automatically create a variance.

  7. To see either report with the amounts rounded to the nearest thousands, select the Amount in Thousands check box.
  8. To select the report you want to print, click and make your selection from the drop-down list.

    Valid options are:

    • Unbilled Receivables Analysis Summary Report
    • Unbilled Receivables Analysis Detail Report
    • Unbilled Reason Code Report