Charges Subtask

Use this subtask to view the charging information on the purchase order (PO) associated with the work assignment.


Field Description
Work Assignment, Desc, Status, Vendor, PO, Rlse These fields display values from the main screen.
Line This column displays the line number.
PO Line This column displays the PO line number.
Item This column displays the item ID.
Revision This column displays the revision ID of the item.
Description This column displays the description of the item.
Misc Type This column displays the PO line charge type code.
Charge Line Start Date This column displays the charge line start date.
Charge Line End Date This column displays the charge line end date.
Charge Type This column displays the charge type.
Approval Status This column displays the approval status.
Rejection Reason This column displays the reason for rejecting the work assignment.
Approver This column displays the approver of the work assignment.
Project This column displays the project.
Project Name This column displays the project name.
Account This column displays the account.
Account Name This column displays the account name.
Organization This column displays the organization.
Organization Name This column displays the organization name.
GLC This column displays the general labor category (GLC).
GLC Description This column displays the GLC description.
PLC This column displays the project labor category (PLC).
PLC Description This column displays the PLC description.
Rate This column displays the rate to be paid to the subcontractor for the specified vendor employee.
Quantity This column displays the quantity to be charged.
Amount Before Discount This column displays the amount to be charged.
Discount Rate This column displays the discount rate to be applied.
Discount Amount This column displays the discount amount.
Amount After Discount This column displays the amount after discount. This is calculated as Amount Before Discount less Discount Amount.
Taxability This column displays the type of tax calculated for the charge line.
Tax/VAT Code This column displays the tax code for the charge line.
Tax Rate This column displays the tax rate for the tax/VAT code and cannot be edited. If sales tax exists on the PO line, this rate is derived from the PO line ship ID.
Charge Line Sales Tax/VAT Amt This column displays the sales tax or VAT amount of the charge line.
PO Line Charge Amount This column displays the sum of charges on the work assignment PO line charges.
PO Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt This column displays the sum of sales tax/VAT amounts on the work assignment PO line charges.
Sales Tax/VAT Amt This column displays the sales tax or VAT amount.
Total Charge Line Amt This column displays the total charge line amount. This is calculated as Amount after Discount plus Sales Tax/VAT Amt plus PO Line Charge Amount.
Trans Remaining PO Line Amount This column displays the remaining PO line amount in transactional currency.
Func Remaining PO Line Amount This column displays the remaining PO line amount in functional currency.
City This column displays the city specified on the Vendor Employee subtask.
State This column displays the state specified on the Vendor Employee subtask.
Postal Code This column displays the postal code specified on the Vendor Employee subtask.
Country This column displays the country specified on the Vendor Employee subtask.
Ref One This column displays a first reference number.
Ref One Name This column displays the name of the first reference number.
Ref Two This column displays a second reference number.
Ref Two Name This column displays the name of the second reference number.
Closed Date This column displays the charge line closed date and is populated by Costpoint when the charge line approval status is set to Closed.
Unallowable Account This column displays the unallowable account.
Unallowable Account Name This column displays the unallowable account name.
PO Match Type This column displays the type of matching required for the PO line.
Remaining PO Line Quantity This column displays the remaining PO line quantity.


Subtask Description
Work Assignment PO Line Charges Click this link to open the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask.
Line SOW Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask.
Remaining PO Line Status Click this link to open the Remaining PO Line Status subtask.
Vendor Employees Click this link to open the Vendor Employees subtask.
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask.
Charge Line Notes Click this link to open the Charge Line Notes subtask.
Link SCI/SAP Security Codes Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes subtask.
Charge Line Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Charge Line Error/Warning Messages subtask.
Invoices Click this link to open the Invoices subtask.
Open Vchrs Ln Click this link to open the Open Vchrs Ln subtask.
Vchr Hist Ln Click this link to open the Vchr Hist Ln subtask.