Creating MRP Messages

These are the messages that are created in MRP.


Field Description
Planned Order

This message is created for every planned order in Costpoint. If the calculated order date comes before the current date, the message shows that it is inside the lead time.

Reschedule Order

This message is created when a purchase requisition, purchase order, or manufacturing order needs to be rescheduled to meet the demand. If the planned available date of the scheduled receipt does not match the gross requirement need date, Costpoint calculates the difference in standard calendar days or shop calendar days (depending on the selection in the Lead Time Calculation group box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control). A reschedule message is generated if this difference is more than the settings established in the Reschedule Message Filters (in Days) group box on the Configure MRP Report Print Options screen. The reschedule action message also shows this variance as the number of change days and displays as a negative number if the need date is earlier than the planned available date. The MRP suggested due date is then calculated as the current due date plus the change days.

Decrease Quantity

This message is created when a purchase requisition, purchase order, or manufacturing order needs to be reduced because the supply is greater than the demand. Scrap/yield and minimum/multiple logic is incorporated in the calculations if the part's order policy dictates it.

Cancel Order

This message is created if a purchase requisition, purchase order, or manufacturing order needs to be cancelled because there is no demand.