Subcontract PO Status Update Line Input File

Column(s) Error Message Error Condition
Update Line Every Line Input record must have an associated Update Header Input record. No row exists in input file with Record Type = H for matching PO_ID/Status Update ID/Warehouse combination.
PO Line Status updates cannot be made to subcontract POs with a line status of "C" (Closed), "V" (Void) or "P" (Pending). PO Line Status is C (Closed), V (Void), or P (Pending) in associated PO (for your company).
PO Line This PO line does not exist in the associated PO. PO line number does not exist for the PO (for your company) on the input file row.
PO Line This PO line occurs multiple times for the same PO in the input file. Input file has multiple rows with same PO line number for same PO_ID (for your company).
Requested Work Amt This amount cannot be negative. Value < 0.
Requested Work Amt Warning: Requested Work Amount submitted by the subcontractor is different from the sum of Completed Work Amount and Stored Materials Amount. Requested Work Amt (PO_LN.TRN_RQSTD_AMT) is not equal to Completed Work Amt + Stored Materials Amt (PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT + TRN_STORED_AMT) for PO associated with your company.
Percent Complete Should be 0-100 % Value not 0 - 100.
Completed Work Amt This amount cannot be negative when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is positive. Value < 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount > 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Amt (PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT) This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is zero. Value <> 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount is equal to zero (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Retention Pct Should be 0-100 % Value not 0 - 100.
Completed Work Retention Amt This amount cannot be negative. Value < 0.
Completed Work Retention Amt This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is zero. Value <> 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount is equal to zero (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Retention Amt (PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT) Completed Work Retention Amount cannot be greater than the Completed Work Amount for the PO line. For the PO line, Completed Work Retention Amt entered is greater than Completed Work Amt (for PO associated with your company). Applicable only when Subcontract PO line Order Amount > 0.
Stored Materials Amt This amount cannot be negative. Value < 0.
Stored Materials Retention Pct Should be 0-100 % Value not 0 - 100.
Stored Materials Retention Amt This amount cannot be negative. Value < 0
Stored Materials Retention Amt (PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT) Stored Materials Retention Amount cannot be greater than the Stored Materials Amount for the PO line. For the PO line, Stored Materials Retention Amt entered is greater than Stored Materials Amt (for PO associated with your company). Applicable only when Subcontract PO line Order Amount > 0"
RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY All existing status update transactions for this subcontract PO must be vouchered before a new one can be created. Subcontract PO has an existing status update transaction that has not yet been vouchered (RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY=Null) for PO associated with your company.
PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT Sum of Completed Work Amt and Stored Materials Amt for the line cannot exceed the PO line amt. (Completed Work Amt + Stored Materials Amt) > PO Line Amt (for PO associated with your company). Applicable only when Subcontract PO line Order Amount > 0.
PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_VCHRD_AMT Warning: This update will make the PO line amount that is eligible for voucher to be negative. Value of (Total Completed Work Amt + Total Stored Materials Amt - Completed Work Retention Amt - Stored Materials Retention Amt - Previously Vouchered Amt) is negative for PO associated with your company. Applicable only when Subcontract PO line Order Amount > 0.
PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_VCHRD_AMT Warning: The PO line amount that is eligible for voucher is positive. Value of [(Completed Work Amount + Stored Materials Amount - Completed Work Retention Amount - Stored Materials Retention Amount) - (Previously Vouchered Extended Cost Amounts)] * [{1+(PO Line Sales Tax Rate) if Voucher Settings Discount Tax Flag is "Y"}] is positive.

Previously Vouchered Ext Cost Amt = (Sum of VCHR_LN.TRN_EXT_CST_AMT + VCHR_LN_HS.TRN_EXT_CST_AMT) for matching PO/line].

PO_LN.S_LN_STATUS_TYPE, PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT Warning: This PO line has a status of "S" (System closed). Modifications made will cause this PO line status to be changed to "O" (Open). PO line status = S, and subcontract status update modifies amounts so that either (PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT is not equal to zero) or [(PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT - TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT) is not equal to PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT)], (for PO associated with your company)
Requested Work Amt This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Amt This amount cannot be positive when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Amt Completed Work Amt (negative) for the line cannot be less than the PO line amt (negative). Completed Work Amt (negative) < PO Line Amt (negative), and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Retention Pct This value must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Completed Work Retention Amt This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Stored Materials Retention Pct This value must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < "0" (for PO associated with your company).
Stored Materials Amt This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Stored Materials Retention Amt This amount must be zero when the Subcontract PO line Order Amount is negative. Value > 0, and Subcontract PO line Order Amount < 0 (for PO associated with your company).
Warehouse This is not a valid warehouse ID. Not null, and Warehouse does not exist (WHSE for your company).