NLAB Percent Base Subtask
This subtask relates to the NLab% tab in the org budget where you estimate non-labor costs as a factor of your base accounts based on historical cost relationships that can be gleaned from past P&L reports.
Re-cloning the NL Percent Specs is optional, but if you are going to edit the specifications, you should re-clone them here in the NLAB Percent Base subtask.
You can create a New record, Copy, Delete, or Query NLAB Percent Base records.
The following information displays in the NLAB Percent Base and NLAB Percent Base Accounts subtasks.
Column Headings | Description |
Fiscal Year | This column displays the Fiscal Year associated with the Base Pool. |
Base Pool No | This column displays the number of the Base Pool. |
Base Pool Name | This column displays the name of the Base Pool. Click the enabled field to edit the Base Pool Name. |
Account | This column displays the accounts associated with the Base Pool. |
Account Name | This column displays the account name associated with the Base Pool. |
Parent Topic: Subtasks of Organization Budget Cycle Initialization