NLAB Percent Base Subtask

This subtask relates to the NLab% tab in the org budget where you estimate non-labor costs as a factor of your base accounts based on historical cost relationships that can be gleaned from past P&L reports.

Re-cloning the NL Percent Specs is optional, but if you are going to edit the specifications, you should re-clone them here in the NLAB Percent Base subtask.

You can create a New record, Copy, Delete, or Query NLAB Percent Base records.


The following information displays in the NLAB Percent Base and NLAB Percent Base Accounts subtasks.

Column Headings Description
Fiscal Year This column displays the Fiscal Year associated with the Base Pool.
Base Pool No This column displays the number of the Base Pool.
Base Pool Name This column displays the name of the Base Pool. Click the enabled field to edit the Base Pool Name.
Account This column displays the accounts associated with the Base Pool.
Account Name This column displays the account name associated with the Base Pool.