Location Transfers (Transaction Type "L")

Use location transfers to move inventory from one warehouse/location to another. Because the project ownership is not changed in a location transfer, the transaction is not posted. Enter transaction quantities for location transfers as negative quantities on the input file.

If the part being transferred is serial and/or lot controlled, you must include serial and lot numbers in the input file line.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

Input File

Column Name Column Type Length Start/End Position Source Notes and Defaults
Inventory Transaction Type S_INVT_TRN_TYPE Character 1 1 Input file Required; must be set to L for Location transfers.
Inventory Transaction ID INVT_TRN_ID Alphanumeric 10 2 - 11 Input file If you selected the Use Input File Values option, enter an Inventory Transaction ID. If you selected the Auto-Assign Transaction IDs option, the system will assign the Inventory Transaction ID if the Auto-Assign field is Y for the Location Transfer option for the Warehouse ID in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Manage Warehouses screen.
From Warehouse ID WHSE_ID_FR Alphanumeric 8 12 - 19 Input file Must be entered if you have more than one warehouse.
Material Handler Employee ID MATL_HNDLR_EMPL_ID Alphanumeric 12 20 - 31 Input file Required; must be valid active employee ID.
Part ID PART_ID Alphanumeric 30 32 - 61 Input file Required; must be valid part ID.  For fixed length file format, limit to 30 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 50.
Part Revision ID PART_RVSN_ID Numeric 3 62 - 64 Input file If the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box is checked in the Corporate Settings block in Configure Product Definition Settings, a valid Revision ID for the entered part must be entered.
Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD_FR Alphanumeric 6 65 - 70 Input file Required; must be a valid inventory abbreviation.

For fixed length file format, limit to 6 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 20.

"From" Inventory Location ID INVT_LOC_ID_FR Alphanumeric 15 71 - 85 Input file Required; warehouse location combination must be valid.
Transaction Quantity TRN_QTY Numeric/Decimal (14,4)


15 86 - 100 Input file Required; must be greater than zero.
To Warehouse WHSE_ID_TO Alphanumeric 8 101 - 108 Input file Default From Warehouse if null.
To Inventory Location INVT_LOC_ID_TO Alphanumeric 15 109 - 123 Input file Required; warehouse location combination must be valid.
Serial Number SERIAL_ID Alphanumeric 20 124 - 143 Input file Required if Part Project and/or Part requires Serial tracking (in the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition).
Lot Number LOT_ID Alphanumeric 20 144 - 163 Input file Required if Part Project and/or Part requires Lot tracking (in the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition).
Comments COMMENT_NT Alphanumeric 254 164 - 417 Input file
Entry User ID ENTR_USER_ID Alphanumeric 20 418 - 437 Input File or Process User ID Use current user ID if null.
Entry Date ENTR_DTT Date


10 438 - 447 Input File If null, set to current date/time.
Transaction Date TRN_DT Date


10 448 - 457 Input file If null, set to system current date.

Error Messages

Column(s) Error Message Error Condition/Solution
All Required Fields The (XXXXXXXXXXXX) field must be entered. Not supplied in input file.
Transaction ID A transaction ID must be entered. You elected to use the input file's transaction ID (selected the Use Input File Values option in the Import Inventory Transactions screen), but the field is null/space.

Enter a valid transaction ID in the Transaction ID input file field.

Transaction ID This transaction ID has been used. You elected to use the input file's transaction ID (selected the Use Input File Values option in the Import Inventory Transactions screen), but the warehouse, transaction type, and transaction ID combination already exists.

Enter a transaction ID that has not been used.

Transaction ID Auto-Assign Transaction IDs not turned on for this warehouse. You elected to auto-assign the transaction ID (selected the Auto-Assign Transaction IDs option in the Import Inventory Transaction screen), but Auto-Assign is not turned on for this transaction type/warehouse in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Manage Warehouses screen.

Enter a transaction ID in the Transaction ID input file field.

Transaction Date Transaction date period is not open. The transaction date is not null and not in an open fiscal year/period/subperiod for inventory posting.

Enter a transaction date for an open accounting subperiod. The accounting period must be open for inventory in the Accounting Periods screen in General Ledger.

Transaction Date Current Date period is not open. The transaction date is null, and the current date is not in an open fiscal year/period/subperiod for inventory posting.

Enter a transaction date for an open accounting subperiod. The transaction date must be open for inventory in the Accounting Periods screen and Subperiods screen in General Ledger.

From Warehouse From Warehouse field must be entered. The From Warehouse is null/space, and you have more than one warehouse in the WHSE table.

Enter a valid warehouse from the Manage Warehouses screen in Inventory.

From Warehouse Invalid From Warehouse. The Warehouse (if populated) is invalid. 

Enter a valid warehouse from the Manage Warehouses screen in Inventory.

Material Handler Employee This XXX does not exist or is inactive. Invalid or Inactive Employee.
Part ID/Revision Invalid Part/Rev. The part/revision does not exist.

Enter a valid and active part from the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition.

Part ID/Revision Inactive Part/Rev. The part/revision is inactive.

Enter a valid and active part from the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition.

Part ID/Revision Non-Inventory Part/Rev. The part/revision is non-inventory.

Enter an inventory part. Refer to the part's Inventory Part checkbox in the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Part ID/Revision Invalid Part Status. The part status is Pre-Release or Estimating Only.

Enter a released part. Refer to the part's Status in the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition.

Inventory Abbreviation Invalid From Inventory Abbreviation. The inventory abbreviation code is invalid.

Enter a valid and active inventory abbreviation code.

Invalid From Inventory Location. The inventory warehouse/location is invalid.

Enter a valid inventory warehouse/location from the Manage Locations screen in Inventory.

Incoming Inspection and MRB locations cannot be transferred to and from. Transfers cannot be made from/to I (Incoming inspection) or M (MRB) locations.

Refer to the Type drop-down list in the Manage Locations screen in Inventory.

The From and To Locations are the same. The From Warehouse/Location cannot be to the same as the To Warehouse/Location.
Location quantity is less than transaction quantity. The transaction quantity is greater than the From Location quantity (INVT_WHSE_LOC).
Serial Number is required. The serial number is null, and part/project or part (if part project does not exist) requires a serial number.

Enter a valid serial number for the part/project.

Lot Number is required. The lot is null, and the part/project or part (if part project does not exist) requires a lot number.

Enter a valid lot number for the part/project.

Serial/Lot Quantity is less than transaction quantity. The serial/lot is not null. Not enough quantity to cover for this serial/lot to issue quantity entered. 
Input files with serial numbers can only have a transaction quantity of 1. The serial number is not null, and the transaction quantity is greater than 1.
Invalid ENTR_USER_ID in W_USER_UGRP_LIST Input file ENTR_USER_ID not null, and value does not match any row Web - compare with W_USER_UGRP_LIST.SEC_OBJ_ID for company of user executing the process)