Next Tab

Use this tab to select the sort order in the report for direct, labor, and unit components.

Selection Ranges

Accounting Periods

Use the fields in this group box to select the periods that you would like to include on the report.

Field Description

This field always displays Range.

Start Fiscal Year

Enter the beginning fiscal year for this project budget report.

Start Period

Enter the beginning period for this project budget report.

End Fiscal Year

Enter the ending fiscal year for this project budget report.

End Period

Enter the ending period for this project budget report.

Sort by

Direct Sort

This group box is not available unless you selected the Direct Detail check box (in the Select Detail Budget group box) on the Previous tab.

Field Description
1st Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's primary sort for direct detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • Line Type
2nd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's secondary sort for direct detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • Line Type
3rd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's third sort for direct detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • Line Type
Include Subtotal

Select this check box to include subtotals for each direct sort item (Account, Ref #, Performing Org, and Line Type) in the report.

Labor Sort

This group box is not available unless you selected the Labor Detail check box (in the Select Detail Budget group box) in the main screen.

Field Description
1st Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's primary sort for labor detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • PLC
  • GLC
  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Vendor/Employee
2nd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's secondary sort for labor detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • PLC
  • GLC
  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Vendor/Employee
3rd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's third sort for labor detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • PLC
  • GLC
  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Vendor/Employee
Include Subtotal

Select this check box to include subtotals for each labor sort item (Account, Ref #, Performing Org, PLC, GLC, Employee, Vendor, and Vendor/Employee) in the report.

Unit Sort

This group box is not available unless you selected the Unit Detail check box (in the Select Detail Budget group box) in the main screen.

Field Description
1st Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's primary sort for unit detail. Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • CLIN
  • Price Catalog
  • Item #
  • Vendor
2nd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's secondary sort for unit detail.  Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • CLIN
  • Price Catalog
  • Item #
  • Vendor
3rd Sort

Use this drop-down list to select the report's third sort for unit detail.  Selections are:

  • Account
  • Ref #
  • Performing Org
  • CLIN
  • Price Catalog
  • Item #
  • Vendor
Include Subtotal

Select this check box to include subtotals for each unit sort item (Account, Ref #, Performing Org, CLIN, Price Catalog, Item #, and Vendor) in the report.