Sales Order Approvals Subtask

Use this subtask to view approval information including approval titles, approval/rejection information, and approval notes for the selected sales order.


Field Description
Sales Order

This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.


This field displays the status of the sales order.


These fields display the customer from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order line item.

Table Window

All fields in the table window default from the Approval Process subtask of the Approve Sales Orders screen.

Field Description
Rvsn No

This field displays the sales order revision number, which tracks the number of times a sales order is R (Rejected) and resubmitted for approval, I (In-Approval).


This field displays the sequence number assigned to the approval title within the approval process. This number determines the order in which approval titles access a sales order for approval/rejection in an approval process.

Approval Title

This field displays the approval titles, determined by the approval process through which this sales order goes.

Approval Code

This field displays the approval status code applied by the approval title. The status can be:

  • P (Pending)
  • A (Approved)
  • R (Rejected)

An approval status of P indicates that the approval title has neither approved nor rejected the sales order.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the rejection reason description, if an approval title references a rejection reason code.

Action Date

This field displays the date on which an approval title either approved or rejected a sales order.


This field displays the employee associated with the approval title that either rejected or approved the sales order.

Approval Notes

This field displays approval notes, if they were entered by the approver during the approval process.