Currency Line Subtask

This subtask displays transaction amounts for the line selected on the main screen, in both transaction and functional currencies.

Note: If the sales order line uses the same transaction and functional currencies, this subtask is disabled.


Field Description
Sales Order, Status, Customer, Trans Currency, SO Line, Item, Item Rev, Description, Due Date, Misc Type

These fields display from the main screen.

Line Amounts

The fields in this group box display the line amounts in both transaction and functional currency.

Field Description

These fields display the transaction and functional currency for the line item.

Gross Unit Price

These fields display the gross unit price for the line item.

Volume Discount

These fields display the volume discount for the line item.

Net Unit Price

These fields display the net unit price for the line item.

Extended Amt

These fields display the extended amount for the line item.

Line Charges Amt

These fields display the line charge amount for the line item.

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

These fields display the sales tax/VAT amount for the line item.

SO Line Total Ordered Amt

These fields display the total ordered amount for the sales order line.

SO Line Total Invoiced Amt

These fields display the total invoiced amount for the sales order line.

Exchange Rates

Field Description
Trans to Functional/Trans to Euro

This field displays the Trans to Func or Trans to Euro conversion rate from the Exchange Rates subtask on the main screen.