Billing Detail Tab

Use the Billing Detail tab to review cost, hours, and units transactions.

You can also adjust the amounts available for billing by placing amounts on hold or writing off amounts. You can record general comments about transactions in the Comments field or record reasons for write-offs or amounts placed on hold in the Reason group box.

Update or enter the information in this tab before the billings are calculated. If you want to write off a transaction or put it on hold, you must do this before bills are calculated or you must recalculate bills. If you elect to write off amounts or put them on hold, enter the explanation in the Reason group box.


Field Description
Transaction Description

Enter a description of this transaction. You can use this description on supporting schedules as an explanation of the charges.

Transaction Type

Use the drop-down list to select a transaction type for this open billing detail. Valid options are:

  • Cost: Transactions from any journal other than the Unit Usage Journal are Cost transactions.
  • Units: The transactions from the Unit Usage Journal are Units transactions.

This field displays the journal code, which tells you where the transaction was posted from. If the transaction was added manually, it does not have a journal code.


This field displays either System or User, depending on whether Costpoint created the record during posting or whether the record was added manually in this screen. Note that you cannot modify the audit trail information if the transaction is a System transaction.

Accounting Period

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year the transaction was posted or occurred (if entered manually). It is used to determine what burden rate should be applied to its costs and, if it is T&M labor, what the billing rate per hour is. The Calculate Standard Bills program uses the fiscal year information to determine which transactions are included on a bill.


Enter, or click to select, the period in which the transaction was posted or occurred (if entered manually). It is used to determine what burden rate should be applied to its costs and, if it is T&M labor, what the billing rate per hour is. The Calculate Standard Bills program uses the period information to determine which transactions are included on a bill.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod in which the transaction was posted or occurred (if entered manually). If the transaction is T&M labor, the subperiod is used to determine the billing rate per hour. The Calculate Standard Bills program uses the subperiod information to determine which transactions are included on a bill.


Enter, or click to select, the account that is related to the transaction. As you move to the next field, Costpoint validates that the account number is not a summary account, the account is active, and that the account allows charging for the fiscal year, period and subperiod on this transaction. You receive a message if the account fails any of the preceding validations and you should correct the account. When you save the transaction, Costpoint verifies that the account is valid for the organization and that the account is valid for the project entered.


Enter an organization number or click to select one. As you move to the next field, Costpoint validates that the organization is active and the organization allows charging for the fiscal year, period and subperiod on this transaction. You receive a message if the organization fails any of the preceding validations, and you should correct the organization. When you save the transaction, Costpoint verifies that the organization is valid for use with the account. Also, if organizations are restricted to specific projects, Costpoint verifies that organization is allowed to charge that account for that project.


Use this group box to enter information related to the cost portion of the transaction, in your company's functional currency and the transactional currency.

If your company's functional currency is the same as the transactional currency, the amount you enter in the Functional column will also be displayed in the Transaction column. If you change the transactional currency code, the Functional fields are disabled and will be populated when you enter values in the Transaction fields.

If your company's functional currency is different from the transactional currency, and if the Use Transactional Currency Billing check box is selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen:

  • For system-generated records, the Transaction fields are populated by the Load Multicurrency Transaction Amounts utility and only the transactional Amount on Hold and Write-Off Amount fields are editable.
  • For user-entered records, all Transaction fields are editable except for the Amount to Bill.
Note: The Transaction column and the Recalculate button are available only if you are licensed for Multicurrency.
Field Description

This field displays your company's functional currency and the transactional currency.

For user-entered records, you can change the transactional currency code through the Exchange Rates subtask.

Transaction Amount

Enter the cost amount of transaction that is used for billing. If the project is a T&M project and the transaction is a labor transaction, the cost is still shown, but it is not used for calculating the billing.

Cash Basis Amount

This non-editable field summarizes the information on the Cash Basis subtask. This field is available only in functional currency.

Amount on Hold

Enter any amount up to the transaction amount that you want to defer from the billing calculation. If the billing has already been calculated, either recalculate or modify the Billing Edit Detail to modify the amount of the invoice. Use the Reason group box to document why the amount was placed on hold.

Write-Off Amount

Enter any amount up to the transaction amount that you never want to bill. Enter a reason for writing off the amount in the Reason group box.

Transactions that have been fully written off are not deleted from Open Billing Detail. To decrease the processing time, these transactions are no longer included in the calculation on the Calculate Standard Bills screen. You must purge the records from Open Billing Detail.

Amount Prev Billed

This field displays the amount of the transaction that has previously been billed. We do not recommend that you modify this amount. It can cause the transaction to be billed more than once. The only time a transaction has an amount in the Amount Prev Billed field is when the transaction was partially billed because a portion of the transaction was put on hold.

Amount to Bill

For billing in functional currency, Costpoint calculates this non-editable field by subtracting the Amount on Hold plus Write-Off Amount plus Amount Prev Billed from either Transaction Amount or Cash Basis Amount, depending on whether the transaction is from accounts payable and the project is billed on a cash basis.

For billing in transactional currency, Costpoint calculates this field by subtracting the Amount on Hold plus Write-Off Amount plus Amount Prev Billed from Transaction Amount.


Click this button to recalculate the cost functional and transactional amounts when the exchange rate has changed.


Use this group box to enter information related to the hours portion of the transaction. Hours transactions can come from Costpoint Labor, Costpoint Accounts Payable, and the screens in the Journal Entries menu of Costpoint General Ledger.

Field Description
Transaction Hours

Enter the number of hours related to this transaction that are used for billing. If the project is a T&M project and the transaction is a labor transaction, the cost is shown but it is not used for calculating the billing. All billings using hours need to have additional information relating to employee and labor category. Enter this additional information on the Labor tab.

Cash Basis Hours

This non-editable field displays the hours released when the Update Cash Basis Information screen is executed. 

Costpoint does not consider cash basis hours for LLR formulas when applying the billable rate or burden on those labor hours.

Hours on Hold

Enter any number of hours up to the transactions total hours that you want to defer from the billing calculation. If the billing has already been calculated, either recalculate or modify the Billing Edit Detail to modify the amount of the invoice. Document why the hours were placed on hold in the Reason group box.

Write Off Hours

Enter any number of hours up to the transactions total hours that you never want to bill. Enter a reason for writing off the hours in the Reason group box.

Transactions that have been fully written off are not deleted from Open Billing Detail. To decrease the processing time, these transactions are no longer included in the calculation on the Calculate Standard Bills screen. You must purge the records from Open Billing Detail.

Hours Prev Billed

This field displays the number of hours up to the transactions total hours that have previously been billed. We recommend that you do not modify this amount. It can cause the transaction to be billed more than once. The only time a transaction has an amount in the Hours Prev Billed field is when the transaction was partially billed because a portion of the transaction was put on hold.

Hours To Bill

Costpoint calculates this non-editable field by subtracting the Hours on Hold plus Write Off Hours plus Hours Prev Billed from the Transactions Hours.


This group box displays the information related to the units portion of the transaction. Units transactions come from the Manage Unit Usage screen.

Field Description
Transaction Units

Enter the number of units related to this transaction that are used for billing. All unit-based transactions need to have additional information relating to CLIN and item number. Enter this additional information on the Units tab.

Units on Hold

Enter any number of units up to the transactions total units that you want to defer from the billing calculation. If the billing has already been calculated, either recalculate or modify the Billing Edit Detail to modify the amount of the invoice. Document why the units were placed on hold in the Reason group box.

Write Off Units

Enter any number of units up to the transactions total units that you never want to bill. Enter a reason for writing off the units in the Reason group box.

Transactions that have been fully written off are not deleted from Open Billing Detail. To decrease the processing time, these transactions are no longer included in the calculation on the Calculate Standard Bills screen. You must purge the records from Open Billing Detail.

Units Prev Billed

This field displays the number of units, up to the transactions total, that has previously been billed. We do not recommend that you modify this amount. It can cause the transaction to be billed more than once. The only time a transaction has an amount in the Units Prev Billed field is when the transaction was partially billed because a portion of the transaction was put on hold.

Units To Bill

Costpoint calculates this non-editable field by subtracting the Units on Hold plus Write Off Units plus Units Prev Billed from the Transactions Units.


Field Description
Write Off

Enter a reason for not billing the transaction so that it can be reviewed at a later date and time. Enter enough information so that an auditor can justify the write-off.


Enter a reason for placing the transaction in a deferral status.


Enter any notes or comments you want to store relating to this transaction.