Calculation Method

For the formula to work, you will need to enter all project costs across a period of performance.

It can be used for budgets or EACs, and can be based off either the Contract Value or Funded Value.

For budgets without EACs, the revenue calculation is:

  1. Budgeted Costs including Burden for each Budgeted period CTD / Total Budgeted Costs with Burden [Estimate At Completion] = % complete for each FY/Pds.
  2. The % complete x Total Contract Value* = Revenue Budget to Date.
  3. Revenue Budget to Date less previous period Revenue Budget to Date = Current Period Revenue.

    *Substitute Funded Value as appropriate.

    For budgets with EACs, the revenue calculation is:

  4. (Total Planning EAC [actual] Costs CTD + Budgeted Costs including Burden for each Budgeted period CTD) / (Total Budget EAC costs [actuals] + future period Budgeted Costs including Burden [ETC]) = % complete for each future FY/Pds.
  5. The % complete x Total Contract Value = Revenue Budget to Date.
  6. Revenue Budget to Date less previous period Revenue Budget to Date = Current Period Revenue.

    *Substitute Funded Value as appropriate.

    For example, in reports and report subtasks that show the Burdened Cost and All Periods, the calculation would be as follows by period: