Update Buy Part Standard Cost

Use this screen to update existing standard costs for a single company that matches the company of the logged in user and based on user selected cost source such as purchase order (PO), vendor quotes, both PO and vendor quotes, item last cost, project item last cost, item reference cost, and project item reference cost.

You can also choose the number of purchase orders to collect data from in order to come up with standard unit cost for a part/revision. If a cutoff date is specified, only PO lines with order date equal or later than that date will be considered in the calculations. Multiple users can access this screen, but only allows one processing at a time. The process updates standard costs for a single company, which matches that of the user.

Parts that are excluded from the automatic update of standard costs will be included in a separate exception report. These parts will have to be updated manually on the Manage Parts (PDMPART), Manage Item Standard Costs (PDMCOST), or Manage Project Item Standard Costs (PDMPRJCS) screens.

Changing the attribute of a part from Make to Buy (or vice versa) could result in incorrect standard costs.

On the Configure Product Definition Settings (PDMITMRU) screen, if Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected, updating the cost of any restricted part/revision is not allowed unless you are authorized to do so.