Manage Organization Security Groups

Use this screen to set up organizational security groups to which you can assign an organizational security profile to each module.

This screen contains an identification code for the security group, a name, and a table window containing all of the modules for which you are licensed. For each module, you specify an organizational profile ID that was set up on the Manage Organization Security Profiles screen.

Before you use this screen, you must do the following:

  • You must set up organizational profiles using the Manage Organization Profiles screen.
  • You must enable modules and applications for which you want to apply organizational security using the Activate/Inactivate Organization Security by Module screen.

    It is necessary to set up this screen before updating organizational security profiles, activating organizational security system-wide on the Configure System Settings screen and entering an organizational security group on the Manage Users screen.

    After specifying your preferences, you must click on the toolbar to save your changes.