Input File and Error File Layout

The input file can be a fixed length or delimited ASCII text file named by the user. The error file, which contains records that were not processed, has the same name as the input file but with an extension of .ERR.

After processing is complete, you can rename the input file with an extension of .OLD. The layout of the error file is the same as the layout of the input file.

In the input file, the Sales Order Header record must precede the associated Sales Order Line records, which in turn must precede the associated SO Line Notes records. A Header record cannot be inserted without at least one valid Line record, and a Line record cannot be inserted without a corresponding valid Header record. Likewise, Notes records can be inserted only when there is a corresponding valid Line record.

The fields in a delimited input file are separated by a comma or other user-defined symbol, as indicated in the File Delimiter drop-down list. You do not need to include a comma (or user-defined symbol) after the last field entry in the input file.

Each field in a fixed-length input file contains a set number of characters and must be filled with either the appropriate character or space to the specified width. ASCII text files do not have commas to separate the fields. It is not necessary to zero fill numbers; you can use spaces to maintain the proper format. Numeric fields should be right justified; character fields should be left justified. Each record must be on a separate line and end with a carriage return.

You must populate the required input file fields with valid data. If an optional column is not populated in a fixed-length input file, you must enter the maximum number of spaces for that column before entering data for the next column. Once you have entered the last character of meaningful data for the input file, you do not need to fill the remaining column lines with spaces. For example, in the SO Header input file (total of 967 possible field position spaces), if the last character of data ends at position 818 (Sales Order Status Code), you do not need to add the remaining 149 spaces. However, if you enter the Sales Order Status Code in position 818 and wish to enter data in the Rate Group field (starting at position 849) but not the Ship Via field (starting at position 819), you must enter 30 spaces in place of the Ship Via and Customer Terms fields before entering Rate Group data in position 849. This also applies when you enter data in a required field, skip the following optional field, and then proceed to enter data in another required field. Similarly, if the Customer ID (starting at position 18) is only 6 characters long, you must enter the 6 characters plus six spaces before you enter the Due Date beginning in position 30.

Note: Input file fields defined as dates in Costpoint must be eight characters and formatted as MMDDYYYY, with a two-character month (01-12), a two-character day (01-31), and four-character year (including century). Input file field types are alphanumeric or characters (VARCHAR), numeric (DECIMAL, SMALLINT, and INTEGER), and date. The Starting and Ending Position columns below indicate the number of characters allowed for each field in a fixed-length input file. Decimal values that are "5,4" can be entered, for example, with a maximum of six (6) characters, including the decimal ("9.9999"). Decimal values that are "14,4" can be entered, for example, with a maximum of 15 characters, including the decimal ("9999999999.9999"). Decimal values should not include comma separators.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

SO Header Record Format (SO_HDR)

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required, Optional, N/A (Not Used) Format/Notes
1 Record Type N/A Character 1 1 1 Required H
2 Government Payment Office BILL_PMT_ADDR_CD Character 6 2 7 Optional
3 Customer Bill To BILL_TO_ADDR_DC Character 10 8 17 Optional
4 Customer ID CUST_ID Character 12 18 29 Required
5 Due Date DUE_DT Date 30 37 Optional MMDDYYYY

Required in the input file for either SO header or SO line. Due Date is required in the SO header if any associated line does not have a Due Date.

6 Customer Purchase Order EXT_CUST_PO_ID Character 30 38 67 Optional
7 Order Date ORD_DT Date 68 75 Required MMDDYYYY
8 ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) ACRN_ID_S Character 30 76 105 Optional
9 Bill Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD Character 6 106 111 Optional
10 Blanket Amount TRN_BLKT_AMT Number 15 112 126 N/A For fixed-length format, leave 15 spaces if proceeding from Bill Cycle to Project To Charge. For delimited format, include a delimiter.
11 Project To Charge CHG_PROJ_ID Character 30 127 156 Optional
12 Contact First Name CNTACT_FIRST_
 NAME Character 25 157 181 Optional
13 Contact Last Name CNTACT_LAST_
 NAME Character 25 182 206 Optional
14 Contractor Address Code CONTR_ADDR_
 CD Character 6 207 212 Optional
15 Customer Terms (key) CUST_TERMS_
 KEY Number 9 213 221 Optional (999999999)
16 Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Character 25 222 246 Optional
17 Desired Date DESIRED_DT Date 247 254 Optional MMDDYYYY
18 Customer Mod Number EXT_CUST_MOD_ID Character 10 255 264 Optional
19 Contact Fax ID FAX_ID Character 25 265 289 Optional
20 FOB FOB_FLD Character 15 290 304 Optional
21 International Shipment INTL_SHIP_FL Character 1 305 305 Optional
22 Issued by Office ISSUE_BY_ADDR_CD Character 6 306 311 Optional
23 Mark for Address Code MARK_FOR_
 ADDR_DC Character 10 312 321 Optional
24 Overshipment Flag OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Character 1 322 322 Optional
25 Partial Shipment Flag PARTIAL_SHIP_
 FL Character 1 323 323 Optional
26 Blanket Performance End Date PERF_END_DT Date 324 331 N/A For fixed-length format, leave 16 spaces if proceeding from Partial shipment Flag to Contact Phone Number. For delimited format, include two delimiters.
27 Blanket Performance Start Date PERF_START_DATE Date 332 339 N/A
28 Contact Phone Number PHONE_ID Character 25 340 364 Optional
29 Pricing Catalog PRICE_CATLG_
 CD Character 10 365 374 Optional
30 Pricing Project PRICE_PROJ_ID Character 30 375 404 Optional
31 Prime Contract ID PRIME_CONTR_
 ID Character 20 405 424 Optional
32 Quote ID QUOTE_ID Character 10 425 434 Optional
33 Recurring Item End Date RECUR_END_DT Date 435 442 Optional MMDDYYYY
34 Recurring Item Start Date RECUR_START_
 DT Date 443 450 Optional MMDDYYYY
35 Remit To Address Code REMIT_ADDR_CD Character 6 451 456 Optional
36 Sales Group Abbreviation Code SALES_ABBRV_
 CD Character 6 457 462 Optional
37 Sales Representative ID SALES_REP_ID Character 12 463 474 Optional
38 Ship By Date SHIP_BY_DT Date 475 482 Optional MMDDYYYY
39 Ship From Address Code SHIP_FROM_
 ADDR_CD Character 6 483 488 Optional
40 Ship To Address Code SHIP_ID (derived) Character 20 489 508 Optional
41 Sales Order Change Number SO_CHNG_ORD_NO Number 4 509 512 N/A For fixed-length format, leave four spaces if proceeding from Ship To Address Code to Sales Order ID. For delimited format, include one delimiter.
42 Sales Order ID SO_ID Character 10 513 522 Optional Sales Order ID is required if it is not auto-assigned per Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen. (See Note at end of table.)
43 Sales Order Notes SO_NOTES_NT Character 254 523 776 Optional
44 SO Blanket Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Number 4 777 780 N/A For fixed-length format, leave 19 spaces if proceeding from Sales Order Notes to Volume Discount Percentage. For delimited form, include two delimiters.
45 Total Release Amount TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT Number 15 781 795 N/A
46 Volume Discount Percentage VOL_DISC_PCT_
 RT Number 6 (Decimal 5,4) 796 801 Optional (9.9999)
47 Default Taxable Flag DFLT_TAXABLE_FL Character 1 802 802 Optional
48 GSA Flag GSA_FL Character 1 803 803 Optional
49 Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD Character 6 804 809 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 6 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 20.
50 Sales Order Approval Process Code OE_APPR_PROC_CD Character 8 810 817 Optional
51 Sales Order Status Code S_SO_STATUS_
 CD Character 1 818 818 Optional
52 Ship Via field SHIP_VIA_FLD Character 15 819 833 Optional
53 Customer Terms Description Used to assign CUST_TERMS_
 KEY Character 15 834 848 Optional
54 Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Character 6 849 854 Optional
55 Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Character 3 855 857 Optional
56 Rate Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Date 858 865 Optional MMDDYYYY
57 Tax ID VAT_TAX_ID Character 20 866 885 Optional
58 Destination Country EC_COUNTRY_
 DEST_CD Character 3 886 888 Optional
59 Permit/License ID PERMIT_ID Character 20 889 908 Optional
60 Declaration Point DECL_POINT_CD Character 5 909 913 Optional
61 Traffic Direction TRAFFIC_DIR_CD Character 1 914 914 Optional
62 Mode of Transportation MODE_OF_
 TRANSP_NO Number 2 915 916 Optional (99)
63 Intrastat Reference Number INTRASTAT_REF_NO Character 14 917 930 Optional
64 Commission COMM_PCT_RT Number 6

(Decimal 5,4)

931 936 Optional (9.9999)
65 Revenue Recognition S_REV_RECOG_
 CD Character 1 937 937 Optional S: Shipment Sales

U: Unbilled A/R

D: Deferred Revenue 

L: Liquidations

R: Ready for Use 

P: Prepay

66 Enable SO Invoices for WAWF USE_WAWF_FL Character 1 938 938 Optional
67 Prime Contractor CAGE Code CONTR_CAGE_ID Character 5 939 943 Optional
68 Inspect By DoDAAC INSPECT_BY_ADDR_CD Character 6 944 949 Optional
69 Local Processing Office DoDAAC LOCAL_PROC_ADDR_CD Character 6 950 955 Optional
70 3rd Party/
 Other Office DoDAAC OTHER_OFFC_ADDR_CD Character 6 956 961 Optional
71 Inspection Point S_INSPECT_PT_CD Character 1 962 962 Optional S: Source

D: Destination

O: Other

72 Acceptance Point S_ACCEPT_PT_CD Character 1 963 963 Optional S: Source

D: Destination

O: Other

73 FOB Point S_WAWF_FOB_CD Character 1 964 964 Optional S: Source

D: Destination

O: Other

74 Alternate Release Procedure ARP_FL Character 1 965 965 Optional
75 Certificate of Conformance COC_FL Character 1 966 966 Optional
76 Construction Certificate CONSTR_FL Character 1 967 967 Optional
Note: The application first looks for the Sales Order ID in the input file. If the ID is unavailable, it checks to see whether the SO ID is auto-assigned—this occurs when the Overall System check box is selected and the Last System SO Number field is populated on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen. Refer to the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen documentation for additional details.

SO Line Record (SO_LN)

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required, Optional, N/A (Not Used) Format/Notes
1 Record Type N/A Character 1 1 1 Required (L)
2 Gross Unit Price TRN_GR_UNIT_PR_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 2 16 Required (9999999999.9999)
3 Item ITEM_ID Character 30 17 46 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 30 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 50.
4 Item Key ITEM_KEY Number 9 47 55 Optional (999999999)
5 Item Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID Character 3 56 58 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 3 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10.
6 Quantity Ordered ORD_QTY Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 59 73 Required (9999999999.9999)
7 Sales Order Line Description SO_LN_DESC Character 60 74 133 Optional
8 Taxable Flag TAXABLE_FL Character 1 134 134 Required
9 ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) ACRN_ID Character 30 135 164 Optional
10 Bill Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD Character 6 165 170 Optional
11 BOM Configuration ID BOM_CONFIG_ID Character 10 171 180 Optional
12 CLIN CLIN_ID Character 10 181 190 Optional
13 Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Character 25 191 215 Optional
14 Desired Date DESIRED_DT Date 216 223 Optional MMDDYYYY
15 Discount Percentage DISC_PCT_RT Number 6 (Decimal 5,4) 224 229 Optional (9.9999)
16 Due Date DUE_DT Date 230 237 Optional MMDDYYYY

Required in the input file for either SO header or SO line. Due Date in the SO line is required if SO header does not have a Due Date.

17 Customer Item ID EXT_CUST_ITEM_ID Character 30 238 267 Optional
18 Milstrip ID MILSTRIP_ID Character 30 268 297 Optional
19 Miscellaneous Line Charge Type MISC_LN_CHG_ TYPE Character 6 298 303 Optional
20 Model ID MODEL_ID Character 30 304 333 Optional
21 National Stock Number NSN_ID Character 20 334 353 Optional
22 Overshipment Flag OVRSHP_
 ALLOW_FL Character 1 354 354 Optional
23 Quote ID QUOTE_ID Character 10 355 364 Optional
24 Recurring Item End Date RECUR_END_DT Date 365 372 Optional MMDDYYYY
25 Recurring Item Start Date RECUR_START_DT Date 373 380 Optional MMDDYYYY
26 Sales Group Abbrev Code SALES_ABBRV_CD Character 6 381 386 Optional
27 Sales Tax/VAT Code SALES_TAX_CD Character 6 387 392 Optional
28 Ship By Date SHIP_BY_DT Date 393 400 Optional MMDDYYYY
29 Ship to Address Code SHIP_ID Character 20 401 420 Optional
30 Ship Via Field SHIP_VIA_FLD Character 15 421 435 Optional
31 Sales Order ID SO_ID Character 10 436 445 Optional Must be valid in the Sales Order Header table. SO ID defaults based on SO Header Record Format.
32 Additional Misc Line Charge N/A 15 446 460 N/A For fixed-length format, leave 15 spaces if proceeding from Sales Order ID to Sales Order Line Number. For delimited format, include a delimiter.
33 Sales Order Line Number SO_LN_NO Number 9 461 469 Required (999999999)
34 Sales Order Blanket Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Number 4 470 473 N/A For fixed-length format, leave four spaces if proceeding from Sales Order Line Number to Sales Order Line Key. For delimited format, include a delimiter.
35 Sales Order Line Key SO_LN_KEY Number 9 474 482 Optional (999999999)
36 Unit of Measure UM_CD Character 3 483 485 Optional
37 Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD Character 6 486 491 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 6 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 20.
38 Extended Amount TRN_SO_LN_EXT_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,2) 492 506 Optional (999999999999.99)
39 Warehouse ID WHSE_ID Character 8 507 514 Optional
40 Sales Order Line Type S_SO_LN_TYPE Character 3 515 517 Optional
41 Charge Project ID CHG_PROJ_ID Character 30 518 547 Optional
42 Sales Representative ID SALES_REP_ID Character 12 548 559 Optional
43 Mass MASS_QTY Number 13 (Decimal 12,1) 560 572 Optional (99999999999.9)
44 Mass U/M MASS_UM_CD Character 3 573 575 Optional
45 NOTC NOTC_NO Number 2 576 577 Optional (99)
46 Correction CORRECTION_CD Character 1 578 578 Optional
47 Commodity COMM_CD Character 15 579 593 Optional
48 Supplementary Units SUPPL_UNITS_NO Number 4 594 597 Optional (9999)
49 Country of Origin EC_COUNTRY_ORIG_CD Character 3 598 600 Optional
50 Commission COMM_PCT_RT Decimal 6 601 606 Optional (9.9999)
51 License Type LICENSE_TYPE_ID Character 6 607 612 Optional
52 Platform Type PLATFORM_TYPE_ID Character 12 613 624 Optional
53 Number of Users USERS_NO Number 5 625 629 Optional (99999)
54 Version VERSION_ID Character 6 630 635 Optional
55 Amortization Schedule Code AMORT_CD Character 6 636 641 Optional
56 PO Ship ID PO_SHIP_ID Character 20 642 661 Optional
57 Consume Forecast CONSUME_FORECST_FL Character 1 662 662 Optional
58 GFE GFE_FL Character 1 663 663 Optional
59 SDN SDN_ID Character 30 664 693 Optional
60 Product Service Type S_PROD_SVC_TYPE_CD Character 2 694 695 Optional
61 UID Required UID_REQD_FL Character 1 696 696 Optional

SO Line Notes Record (SO_LN_NOTES)

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required, Optional, N/A (Not Used) Format/Notes
1 Record Type N/A Character 1 1 1 Required (N)
2 Sales Order ID SO_ID Character 10 2 11 Optional Must be valid in the Sales Order Header table. SO ID defaults depending on SO Header Record Format.
3 SO Blanket Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Number 4 12 15 N/A For fixed-length format, leave four spaces if proceeding from Sales Order ID to Sales Order Line Number. For delimited format, include a delimiter.
4 SO Line Number SO_LN_NO Number 9 16 24 Required (999999999)
5 Line Notes SO_LN_TX Character 1,000 25 1,024 Required

Line Notes must be sequenced after the associated SO Line row, and before another SO Line row in the input file.

SO Line Text Record (SO_LN_TEXT)

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required, Optional, N/A (Not Used) Format/Notes
1 Record Type N/A Character 1 1 1 Required (T)
2 Sales Order ID SO_ID Character 10 2 11 Optional Must be valid in the Sales Order Header table. SO ID defaults based on SO Header Record Format.
3 SO Blanket Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Number 4 12 15 N/A Leave four spaces if proceeding from Sales Order ID to Sales Order Line Number.
4 SO Line Number SO_LN_NO Number 9 16 24 Required
5 Text Code TEXT_CD Character 10 25 34 Required Text Code/Revision combination:

- must not be a duplicate of another new/existing line text row

- must exist for login user’s company

- must be active

6 Sequence Number SEQ_NO Number 4 35 38 Required
7 SO Text Source Code S_TEXT_SRCE_CD Character 1 39 39 Required
8 Text Revision TXT_CD_RVSN_NO Number 5 Optional   If not provided, Costpoint defaults the latest active revision for the company. Text Code/Revision combination must exist in the Standard Text table and in the Text Where Used table with a Where Used Code of S (Sales Order Acknowledgment).

Text Code/Revision combination:

- must not be a duplicate of another new/existing line text row

- must exist for login user’s company

- must be active

Line Text must be sequenced after the associated SO Line row, and before another SO Line row in the input file.

SO Text Record (SO_TEXT)

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required, Optional, N/A (Not Used) Format/Notes
1 Record Type N/A Character 1 1 1 Required (X)
2 Sales Order ID SO_ID Character 10 2 11 Optional Must be valid in the Sales Order Header table. SO ID defaults based on SO Header Record Format.
3 SO Blanket Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Number 4 12 15 N/A Leave four spaces if proceeding from the Sales Order ID to the Text Code.
4 Text Code TEXT_CD Character 10 16 25 Required Text code/revision must exist in the Standard Text table.

Text code/revision must exist in the Standard Text - Where Used table - with a code of S (Sales Order Acknowledgment), C (Sales Order Packing Slip), D (Sales Order DD250 Invoice), I (Sales Order Invoice), K (Sales Order DD250 Packing Slip), or U (Sales Order Quotation).

5 Sequence Number SEQ_NO Number 4 26 29 Required
6 Text Revision TXT_CD_RVSN_NO Number 5 Optional If not provided, Costpoint defaults the latest active revision for the company. Text Code/Revision combination must exist in the Standard Text table.

Text code/revision must exist in the Standard Text - Where Used table - with a code of S (Sales Order Acknowledgment), C (Sales Order Packing Slip), D (Sales Order DD250 Invoice), I (Sales Order Invoice), K (Sales Order DD250 Packing Slip), or U (Sales Order Quotation).