Part Project Line Layout (PPJ)

You can use the Part Project (PART_PROJ) table to assign a project to a part and to enter information to override the standard part information.

The application cannot process Part Project Line Types unless the Item exists, and only Part item types are processed. This Line Type is not processed if the item is a Service or a Good.

If a new Part Project line is rejected, all dependent new lines for that item are rejected (that is, included in the error report and written to the error output file) even if there are no errors associated with the dependent line.

You can view or update the information stored in this table on the Manage Part Project Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition. You must establish project IDs on the Manage Project User Flow screen in Costpoint Project Setup before you can assign one to a part.

Note: The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value is not provided. The exception is MODIFIED_BY, which is updated using the default value if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults, and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 - 3 Yes PPJ is used to indicate PART_PROJ information.
Item ID ITEM_ID Character 30 4 -33 Yes If an Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID combination exists, the Part Project table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Item Revision ID ITEM_RVSN_ID Character 3 34 - 36 No If an Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID combination exists, the Part Project table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked. The default is space.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

Project ID PROJ_ID Character 30 37 - 66 Yes The Project ID must exist in Project (PROJ) table. This value must exist for your company ID.
Certificate of Conformance Flag *CERT_OF_CNFRM_FL Character 1 67 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the PART table.
Lot Required Flag *LOT_REQD_FL Character 1 68 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the PART table.
Order To Quantity *ORDER_TO_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 69 - 83 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed. The Order To Quantity can be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type (in the Part table) is O (Order To Point).
Preferred Warehouse ID *PREF_WHSE_ID Character 8 84 - 91 No. Required if the Preferred Inventory Location ID is provided (insert only) If a value is provided, it must exist in the Warehouses table. If a value is provided, the Preferred Inventory Location must be provided (insert record). The default is null. This value must exist for your company ID.
Preferred Inventory Location ID *PREF_INVT_LOC_ ID Character 15 92 - 106 No. Required if the Preferred Warehouse ID is provided (insert only) If a value is provided, the Preferred Warehouse ID must be provided (insert record). The default is null.
Quality Control Required Flag *QC_REQD_ FL Character 1 107 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Part table.
Reorder Point Quantity *REORD_PT_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 108 - 122 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed. The Reorder Point Quantity can be greater than zero only if the Order Policy Type (in the Part table) is R (Reorder Point).
Safety Stock Quantity *SAFETY_STK_ QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 123 - 137 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Serial Number Required Flag *SERIAL_REQD_FL Character 1 138 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Source Inspection Flag *SRCE_INSP_FL Character 1 139 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Part table.
User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_BY Character 18 140 - 157 No The default is UPLOAD. If a value is not provided, Costpoint updates the MODIFIED_BY column using the current user ID as the default.
MILSTRIP ID *MILSTRIP_ ID Character 30 158 - 187 No The default is a space.
Substitute Flag *SUBST_FL Character 1 188 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is Y.

* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.