Copy Master Production Schedules

Use this screen to copy forecast requirements from an MPS plan, range of parts, range of inventory abbreviations, range of dates, or range of warehouses to another plan or to copy prior forecasts to a future period.

This process consists of two steps:

Step Description
1 Based on your entries in the From Forecasts and To Forecasts parameters on this screen, Costpoint populates a worktable when you click .
2 On the Review Copied MPS Forecasts subtask, review the values. You can update or delete the worktable rows in the subtask before you save them to the database. Note that running this process without saving the worktable values has no affect on the database. You must click to commit the modifications to the database.

Except for the MPS Plan code value, the To Forecasts parameters are optional. If they are not entered, the From Forecasts values are used.

For new forecast requirements, the open and original forecast quantities are set to the copied from record's original forecast quantities (not the current open quantities).

For existing records, if you select the Overwrite Existing Forecasts check box, the existing open forecast quantities are set to the copied records original forecast quantities. If you do not select the option, the forecast quantities are not modified.