Billing Details Tab

Use this tab to select/review invoice number, status, and due date information. You can also review the customer and bill date information on this tab.

You can change the invoice number field in this screen, but any invoice number that is entered here must be unique on a company-wide basis.  Costpoint checks all areas to validate the invoice number entered.  The Calculate Progress Payment Bills process automatically assigns a valid invoice number during the calculation process.

Use this tab after you have calculated progress payment bills but before you have printed them or posted the progress bills.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the customer to whom the progress payment bill is sent. The customer name appears in the non-editable field to the right.


Use this drop-down list to control the status of the bill. Valid options are:

  • Selected
  • Unselected

When the bill is calculated, the status is Unselected. After reviewing the bill and making any necessary modifications, change the status to Selected to indicate the bill is acceptable for posting. You can modify the status of the bills for an individual project in this screen or for a range of bills on the Select Bills for Posting screen. You can print bills with either a Selected or Unselected status, but only Selected bills can be posted. Please note that the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process recalculates any bills that are on Unselected status. This results in the loss of any manual modifications.


This non-editable field displays the company-wide invoice number of the bill.

Billing Info

Field Description
Bill Date

This non-editable field displays the invoice date of the bill. It is initially set to the invoice date entered on the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen. You can modify this field, or manually clear and enter the bill date when the bills are printed, on the Print Progress Payment Bills screen. This date is shown on the form 1443 on line 8B. Date of This Request field on the Section 1; Box 3-8 tab.

Due Date

This field displays the calculated due date of the bill. This field can be modified.

Document Location

Use this field to attach a file to your progress payment bill. You can use this feature to attach a copy of this bill, the section of the contract that defines the billing requirements, documentation for the bill such as timesheets or vouchers, or other information regarding contract funding. You can access the document location in the Posted Progress Billing Detail screen after posting the bill.

Enter, or click the Browse for file button to select, the location of the file that you want to attach to your standard bill. Click the Open file button to view the attached file. An error message displays if no document location has been entered in the Location field.

Note: You can save a copy of this bill in the document location. After making your final modifications, set the Status to Selected on the main screen and then use the Print Progress Payment Bills screen to print the bill to a file in the document location.

You must calculate bills before you can use this feature. You should attach documents in this screen before you post progress payment bills.