Schedule I — Schedule of Cumulative Direct and Indirect Cost Claimed & Billed

Schedule I is a schedule of cumulative direct and indirect costs claimed and billed from inception to date.

This schedule has multiple uses. It can be used, for example, to identify contracts with work that has been physically completed and can be identified for closing, and contracts that may require billing adjustments due to over/under billing situations. The latest voucher number billed on a contract is included on this schedule for easy verification. The pools and bases in Schedule I are linked to their respective schedules as shown in this table:


From Schedule

Direct Costs by Contract

Schedule H

Summary of Amounts on T&M Contracts

Schedule K

The Subject to Penalty Clause column, Prior Years Settled Costs column, and Notes column are highlighted to indicate that you must provide that information manually. You can export the report to a Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file, and use the corresponding application to edit those columns. You must also update the totals in the Total Cumulative Settled or Claimed column to reflect your manual entries.

The dates in the Date Costs Billed Through column are the latest invoice dates in the fiscal year for which you generate the schedule.