Contents of the Configure Personnel Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Personnel Settings Screen.

Personnel Settings

Manager and Supervisor Defaulting Method

The default manager or supervisor information can load from either the Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization or the Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization screen

Field Description
By Company-Wide Organization

If you select this option, managers or supervisors set up on the Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization screen are used as defaults on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. Selecting this option disables the Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization screen.

By HR Organization

If you select this option, managers or supervisors set up on the Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization screen are used as defaults on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. Selecting this option disables the Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization screen.

Accident Claims Numbering Method

There are two methods for numbering accident claims: System (Costpoint generates accident claim numbers) or Manual (you assign accident claim numbers). Depending on the method you select, accident claim numbers can be assigned at the beginning or the end of the accident claim entry process. With the Manual method, you enter an accident claim number (in the Internal Case Number field) on the Manage Accident Information screen. With the System method, Costpoint assigns a number when you save an accident claim record, and the Internal Case Number field on the Accident Information screen is disabled. Regardless of which method you select, Costpoint requires unique accident claim numbers for each fiscal year.

Field Description

Select this option to assign the accident claim numbers on a company-wide basis. This is the default. You specify a starting accident claim number, and then each accident claim entered into Costpoint is increased by one from the last accident claim number.


Select this option to assign accident claim numbers manually. Costpoint requires an accident claim number at the beginning of the entry process.

Required Forms File Type

Use these check boxes to identify which word processing package you are using to design your required forms.

Field Description
Microsoft Word

Select this check box if you are using Microsoft® Word to generate required forms.


Select this check box if you are using WordPerfect® to generate required forms.