Contents of the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules screen.

Amortization Schedule Code

Field Description
Amortization Schedule Code

Enter an amortization schedule code.


Enter a description to associate with the amortization code.

Code Information

Field Description

Select this check box to indicate that amortization code is active.

Default Subperiod

Enter subperiod in which all amortizations will occur.

Cumulative Amortization Percentage Rate

This non-editable field displays the sum of the amortization percentage rates.

Amortization Schedule

Use this table window to delete or modify period sequence lines, as long as the Cumulative Amortization Percentage Rate is 100.00%.

You can also add, insert, or repeat lines by selecting the Line option from the menu bar. The table window must contain at least one row before you can save the amortization code, and it can hold an unlimited number of rows.

If you modify the Amort Pct Rate for a certain code, the modification affects only the new SO lines you apply the code to. Existing amortization schedules for sales order lines that use the code are not affected.

Field Description
Period Seq

The sequence number automatically updates each time you click the New Record button on the toolbar.

Amortization Pct Rate

Enter the amortization percentage rate for each period sequence.