Employer Info Tab

This tab displays information about the employing company.

The non-editable fields for Taxable Entity, Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, and Federal Tax ID default from the Taxable Entity table, which is established on the Configure Company Information screen.


Field Description
Taxable Entity

When you populate the Employee field, this field defaults with the employee's assigned Taxable Entity ID from the Manage Employee Information screen. You cannot edit this field. Taxable entities are established on the Configure Company Information screen. The name of the taxable entity displays in the field to the right.

Parent Company

Enter, or use to select, the code for the parent company of the employing company. The parent company code is validated against the Company table established in Costpoint General Ledger. This is an optional field.

In the field to the right, enter the name of the parent company. If you used to select an existing Parent company, the name of that company is displayed in this field. This is an optional field.

Federal Tax ID

This non-editable field displays the employer's federal tax ID, which is set up in Costpoint General Ledger.

Nature of Business

Describe the nature of the employer's business. This is an optional field.


Field Description
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3

These non-editable fields display the street portion of the employer's address, as defined in Costpoint General Ledger.


The city portion of the employer's address, as defined in Costpoint General Ledger, is displayed in this non-editable field.


This non-editable field displays the state abbreviation or province code portion of the employer's address, as defined in Costpoint General Ledger.

Postal Code

This non-editable field displays the employer's zip code or foreign postal code, as defined in Costpoint General Ledger.