Shelf Life Subtask

Use this subtask to specify the shelf life information for this part.

A shelf life indicates when the part becomes dated and unusable. You can use the shelf-life number to identify when a serialized or lot tracked part becomes unusable if shelf-life is calculated based on receipt date (as defined on the Configure Serial/Lot Settings screen).


Field Description
Shelf Life Type

Choose one of the following options to indicate whether the shelf life expiration date is extendable, or if the shelf life does not apply:

  • None: Select this option to indicate that shelf life functionality does not apply.  
  • Extendable: Select this option to indicate that the shelf life of the part can be revised to a new expiration date, within certain limits specified.
  • Non-extendable: Select this option to indicate that the shelf life of the part cannot be revised once value has been entered.
Shelf Life (Days)

Enter the number of calendar days by when the serial/lot part must be used.

Allow Use Past Expiration Date

Select this check box to allow an extendable serial/lot part to be used beyond its expiration date.

Planning Days Past Expiration Date

Enter the number of days past expiration that the serial/lot part can be used.

Number of Days for Recertification

Enter the number of days prior to expiration that the serial/lot part should begin re-evaluation.

Number of Extensions Allowed

Enter the number of  times the shelf life expiration date can be modified.

For more information on shelf life logic, see the Shelf Life Logic in the MRP Process topic.