FTP File Layout - Progress Payment Bills

Refer to the following table to see the FTP layout used for progress payment bills and where the information is pulled from.

Line Field Loop Description Type iRAPT Min/Max Costpoint Length iRAPT Req Des iRAPT Notes Entry/Calculation Source/Table Column/Field Data Entry Screen Data Entry Field
START 1 Form Counter N 1/3 M Number of transactions within the file. No. of A records. The file creation process populates this field with the number of invoices in the file.
A 1 User ID AN 8/30 20 M iRAPT User ID User's login ID Enter the user ID on the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen. Enter the user ID in the User ID field.
B 1 Form Type ID 3/3 5 M PPR — Progress Payment Report PPR proj_wawf_info wawf_invc_type_cd Select the invoice type and file source on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Select the Progress Payment Invoice Type and Progress Payment File Source options.
1 1 Contract Number AN 1/19 20 M See Field 2 notes on varying contract number sizes based on delivery order entry. prg_pmt_edit_hdr prime_contr_id Enter the contract number on the Manage Project User Flow screen. Enter the contract number in the Prime Contract No field. You can modify this in Contract No field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
2 Delivery Order Number AN 0/19 20 C A delivery order number must be blank, 4, 13, or 17 alphanumeric characters. If the Delivery Order Number is blank or is four alphanumeric characters in length, the Contract Number reported in line 1, field 1, must be 13 alphanumeric characters. If the Delivery Order Number is 13 or 17 alphanumeric characters in length, the Contract Number reported in line 1, field 1 must be 1/19 alphanumeric characters. proj cust_po_id Enter the delivery order number on the Manage Project User Flow screen. Enter the delivery order number in the Purchase Order No field.
3 Issue Date DT 8/8 M CCYYMMDD prg_pmt_edit_hdr award_yr_no , award_mo_no Enter the issue date on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. The issue date is entered in the Date of the Initial Award Year and Month of the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
1A 1 Foreign Currency Code AN 3/3 3 O proj_bill_info s_crncy_cd Enter the foreign currency code in the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.
2 1 Progress Payment Request Number AN 7/8 15 M If FMS is Y, the request number must begin with PPRB. Otherwise, the request number must begin with PPRA. If the request number is eight characters long, the eighth character must be a letter to designate a LOT Contract.  (PPRA or PPRB NNN A (N= numeric, A = alpha) Truncate at eight characters. Request number must be seven or eight characters. prg_pmt_edit_hdr bill_no_id The progress payment number is represented as the bill number. Enter the last bill number used on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen increments this number by one and populates the file with this incremented number. The Bill Number is computed during the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process but can be modified in the Request No field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
2 PPR Date DT 8/8 M CCYYMMDD prg_pmt_edit_hdr invc_end_dt The PPR date is computed as the system date when the progress payment invoice is computed.  The PPR date is populated in the Date of this Request field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
3 1 Invoice Number N/A N/A N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
2 Statement of Costs Through Date (SF1443 Section II Header) DT 8/8 M CCYYMMDD prg_pmt_edit_hdr invc_end_dt The PPR Date is computed as the system date when the progress payment invoice is computed.  The PPR Date is populated in the Date of this Request field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
4 1 Delivery On Invoice Indicator ID 1/1 1 M Enter Y for Delivery, Enter N for No Delivery. proj_wawf_info wawf_deliv_fl The Delivery On Invoice check box is selected on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
2 Small Business Indicator (SF1443 – Line 3) A 1/1 1 M Enter Y or N. prg_pmt_edit_hdr small_bus_fl The Small Business Indicator is selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen by selecting the Bill Cost Incurred On Cash Basis check box.
3 FMS Indicator A 1/1 1 M Enter Y or N. proj_wawf_info wawf_fms_fl The FMS check box is selected on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
4 Contract Price (SF1443 - Line 5) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr contr_price_amt Enter the contract price on the Manage Modifications screen. The contract value entered is inserted into the Contract Price field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen where it can be modified.
5 Progress Payment Rate (SF1443 – Line 6a) N 1/2 10,8 M Cannot have more than two digits to the left of the decimal. prg_pmt_edit_hdr prg_pmt_rt * 100 Enter the progress payment rate on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The progress payment rate entered is inserted into the Progress Payment Rate field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen where it can be modified.
6 Liquidation Rate (SF 1443 - Line 6b) R2.1 1/4 10,8 M Cannot have more than two digits to the left of the decimal or one digit to the right of the decimal. Round number. prg_pmt_edit_hdr liquid_rt * 100 Enter the liquidation rate on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The liquidation rate entered is be inserted into the Liquidation Rate field on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen where it can be modified.
5 1 Prime Contractor CAGE AN 5/5 5 M proj_wawf_info wawf_sender_cage_cd Enter the prime contractor CAGE code on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the prime contractor CAGE code in the CAGE Code field in the Sender Information group box.
2 CAGE Extension AN 1/6 O If a Prime Contractor is not entered, this field must be left blank. proj_wawf_info wawf_cage_ext_cd Enter the prime contractor CAGE extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the prime contractor CAGE extension in the Cage Code extension field in the Sender Information group box.
6 1 Administration DoDAAC AN 6/6 M proj_wawf_info wawf_admin_id Enter the administration DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the administration DoDAACs in the Administration field in the DoDAACs group box.
6B 1 Inspect by  DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 C proj_wawf_info wawf_inspect_id Enter the inspect by DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the inspect By DoDAAC in the Inspected By field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Inspect by Extension AN 1/6 C If the Inspect by DoDAAC is blank, this field must be left blank. If an Inspect by DoDAAC is supplied, this field is optional. proj_wawf_info inspect_ext_cd Enter the inspect by extension on the Maintain Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the inspect By extension in the Inspected By extension field in the DoDAACs group box.
7 1 Payment Office DoDAAC AN 6/6 M proj_wawf_info wawf_pmt_office _id Enter the payment office DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the payment office DoDAAC in the Payment Office field in the DoDAACs group box.
8 1 Contracting Officer DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 M proj_wawf_info wawf_ship_to_id Enter the ship to/CAGE DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ship to/CAGE DoDAAC in the Contracting Officer/Ship To/Service Acceptor field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Contracting Officer Extension AN 1/6 O proj_wawf_info ship_to_ext_cd Enter the ship to/service acceptor extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ship to/service acceptor extension in the Contracting Officer/Ship To/Service Acceptor extension field in the DoDAACs group box.
8B 1 Local Processing Office DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 O proj_wawf_info wawf_local_proc_id Enter the local processing office DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the local processing office DoDAAC in the Local Processing Office field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Local Processing Office Extension AN 1/6 C If the Local Processing Office DoDAAC is blank, this field must be left blank. If a Local Processing Office DoDAAC is supplied, this field is optional. proj_wawf_info local_proc_ext_cd Enter the local processing office extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the local processing office extension in the Local Processing Office extension field in the DoDAACs group box.
9 1 Issue By DoDAAC AN 6/6 O proj_wawf_info wawf_inspect_id Enter the Inspect by DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the Inspect by DoDAAC in the Inspect By field in the DoDAACs group box.
10 1 Amount remaining which is eligible for Payment (SF1443, Line 19) N 1/12 14,2 M Maximum balance eligible for Progress Payments. No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_19_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
10A 1 Paid Costs Eligible Under PP Clause (SF1443, Line 9) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_9_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
2 Incurred Costs Eligible Under PP Clause (SF1443, Line 10) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_10_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
3 Total Costs Eligible for PP (SF1443, Line 11) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_11_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
4 Total Costs Incurred to Date (SF1443, Line 12a) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_12a_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
5 Est. Additional Cost to Complete (SF 1443 Line 12b) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_12b_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
6 Total Costs Eligible for PP times the Progress Payment Rate (SF 1443, Line 13) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_13_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
7 Progress Payments Paid to Subcontractors (SF1443, Line 14a) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_14a_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
8 Liquidated Progress Payments to Subcontractors (SF1443 Line 14b) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_14b_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
9 Unliquidated Progress Payments to Subcontractors (SF1443 Line 14c) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_14c_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
10 Subcontract progress billings approved for current billing (SF1443, Line 14d) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_14d_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
11 Eligible subcontractor progress payments (SF1443 Line 14e) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_14e_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
12 Total Dollar Amount (SF1443 Line 15) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_15_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
13 Contract Price Multiplied by Liquidation Rate (SF1443, Line 16) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. rg_pmt_edit_hdr line_16_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
14 The lesser of either the Total Dollar Amount or the Contract Price Multiplied by the Liquidation Rate (SF1443 Line 17) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_17_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
15 Total amount of previous Progress Payments Requested (SF1443, Line 18) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_18_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
11 1 Max Permissible Progress Payments (SF1443, Line 25) N 1/12 14,2 C Refer to Line 4, Field 1. If the Delivery on Invoice Indicator is Y, Lines 11 and 11A are required. No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_25_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
11A 1 Costs included as Eligible that are applicable to items delivered, invoiced, and accepted as of the Statement of Costs through date (SF1443 Line 20a) N 1/12 14,2 C Refer to Line 4, Field 1. If the Delivery on Invoice Indicator is Y, Lines 11 and 11A are required. No decimals allowed; whole numbers only. No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_20a_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
2 Costs Eligible for Progress Payments, Applicable to undelivered items and to delivered items not invoiced and accepted (SF1443 Line 20b) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_20b_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
3 Items undelivered and not invoiced (Field 2) multiplied by progress payment rate (SF1443 Line 20c) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_20c_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
4 Eligible subcontractor progress payments (SF1443 Line 20d) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_20d_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
5 Limitation (Progress Payment clause (a(3)(ii) or (4)(ii)) (SF1443 Line 20e) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_20e_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
6 Contract price of items delivered, accepted, and invoiced through Statement of Costs Through date (SF1443 Line 21a) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_21a_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
7 Contract price of items not delivered, accepted, and invoiced (SF1443 Line 21b) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_21b_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
8 Contract price of items not delivered, accepted, and invoiced multiplied by the liquidation rate (SF1443 Line 21c) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_21c_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
9 Unliquidated > advance payments plus accrued interest (SF1443 Line 21d) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_21d_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
10 Limitation (Progress Payment clause (a(3)(ii) or (4)(ii)) (SF1443 Line 21e) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_21e_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
11 Maximum unliquidated progress payments (SF1443 Line 22) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_22_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
12 Total amount applied to reduce progress payment (SF1443 Line 23) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_23_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
13 Unliquidated > progress payments (SF1443 Line 24) N 1/12 14,2 C No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_24_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and cannot be modified.
12 1 Amount of Current Invoice for Progress Payment (SF1443 Line 26) N 1/12 14,2 M No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. prg_pmt_edit_hdr line_26_amt Computed by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills process and can be modified.
17 1 Date of Last Communication DT N/A N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
2 Date of Encumbrance DT N/A N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
3 Date of Most Recent Written Financial Info DT 8/8 M
4 Previous Progress Pay Request AN 7/8 15 O Required for PPR transactions. proj_wawf_info wawf_prev_req_no Enter the previous progress pay request on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the previous request in the Previous Progress Payment Request Number field.
5 PPR Certificate ID 1 1 M Enter Y for Yes and N for No. Must be capitalized. proj_wawf_info wawf_cert_fl Enter the PPR certificate on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Select the Certification option to certify the progress payment file.
18 1 Initiator Comments AN 1/75 254 C proj_bill_info bill_desc Enter the initiator comments in the Bill Heading field on the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You must enter initiator comments if a final invoice was previously submitted for the contract number and delivery order.
19 1 Attachment Indicator ID 1/1 M Enter a capitalized Y (Yes) or N (No). If wawf_attachment is null, insert N; otherwise, insert Y. The file creation process populates the Attachment Indicator  field with a Y when there is an attachment, or an N when there is not an attachment. If an attachment file name is entered or Use Invoice ID as Attachment File Name is selected, the value in this field is Y.
19A 1 Attachment Files ID 1/100 C If the Attachment Indicator in Line Number 19, Field 1, is Y, this field is required. This field displays the name of the file to be attached to the document. Insert file name only, not path proj_wawf_info wawf_attachment The file creation uses the attachment file name that you entered for the invoice type or the invoice ID if that option is selected. Enter a file attachment name or select to use the invoice ID as the attachment name on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
20 1 20 ACRN or FMS AN 3/4 4 O Enter the text ACRN or FMS. Must be capitalized.  The total FMS must match line 12 or ACRN must match line 12. proj_wawf_acrn wawf_acrn_fms_cd Enter the ACRN or FMS indicator on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Select ACRN or FMS as the indicator in the first column of the ACRN/FMS Worksheet.
2 20 ACRN or FMS Country Code AN 2/2 3 O ACRNs must be unique. proj_wawf_acrn wawf_acrn_cd Enter the ACRN or FMS code on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ACRN or FMS code in the ACRN/FMS Worksheet.
3 20 Associated Dollars N 1/12 14,2 O Whole dollars only; no decimals allowed. No decimals are allowed. Round to the nearest dollar. proj_wawf_acrn wawf_acrn_amt Enter the ACRN or FMS amount on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ACRN or FMS amount in the ACRN/FMS Worksheet.
SEPARATOR OR END 1 Separator or End ID 5/11 M Use =SEPARATOR= to indicate that there are more documents in the file. Use =END= to indicate that this is the end of the file. =SEPARATOR= or =END= default The file creation process enters Separator or End  to indicate that there is at least one additional document following or that this is the end of the last document, respectively.