PCP Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the PCP Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
COGS Pct Rt not allowed (COGS Calc Cd). The Cost of Sales Percentage Rate cannot be greater than 0 unless Cost of Sales Percentage Rate = P. Remove the value or set the Cost of Sales Percentage Rate to P.
PCP rejected, CCS line is not allowed. A CLIN Cost Schedule (CCS) line cannot be inserted for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID because the Cost of Sales Calculation Code is not C (Cost Schedule). Remove the CCS line or change the value of the Cost of Sales Calculation Code to C.
PCP rejected, CWS line is not allowed. A CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule (CWS) line cannot be inserted for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID because the Warranty Cost Calculation Code is not C (Cost Schedule). Remove the CWS line or change the value of the Warranty Cost Calculation Code to C.
PCP rejected, duplicate key. Each PCP record in the input file must have a unique key (Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID). The input file contains multiple PCP records with the same key values indicated on the report. Remove all duplicate PCP records.
PCP rejected, invalid Item Product. There is no existing Item Product or pending PRD record for this Item ID/Item Revision ID. Provide a PRD line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID.
PCP rejected, invalid Project CLIN. There is no existing Project CLIN or pending CLN record for this Project ID/CLIN ID. Provide a CLN line for the Project ID/CLIN ID.
PCP rejected, no CCS line provided. A CLIN Cost Schedule (CCS) line must be provided for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID because the Cost of Sales Calculation Code is C (Cost Schedule). Provide a CCS line or change the value of the Cost of Sales Calculation Code to P (Percentage).
PCP rejected, no CPS line provided. Provide a CLIN Price Schedule (CPS) line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID.
PCP rejected, no CWS line provided. A CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule (CWS) line must be provided for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID because the Warranty Cost Calculation Code is C (Cost Schedule). Provide a CWS line or change the value of the Warranty Cost Calculation Code to P (Percentage).
PCP rejected, no matching Item. There is a PCP record in the input file without a corresponding ITM record (same Item ID/Item Revision ID).
PCP rejected. Bad CCS record. The pending CLIN Cost Schedule (CCS) record for this Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID was rejected. Provide a valid CCS line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID. Unless there are additional errors indicated, this PCP line contains no errors.
PCP rejected. Bad CLN record. The pending Project CLIN (CLN) record for this Project ID/CLIN ID was rejected. Provide a valid PRD line for the Project ID/CLIN ID. Unless there are additional errors indicated, this PCP line contains no errors.
PCP rejected. Bad CPS record. The pending CLIN Price Schedule (CPS) record for this Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID was rejected. Provide a valid CPS line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID. Unless there are additional errors indicated, this PCP line contains no errors.
PCP rejected. Bad CWS record. The pending CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule (CWS) record for this Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID was rejected. Provide a valid CWS line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID. Unless there are additional errors indicated, this PCP line contains no errors.
PCP rejected. Bad Item Product. The pending Item Product (PRD) record for this Item ID/Item Revision ID was rejected. Provide a valid PRD line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID. Unless there are additional errors indicated, this PCP line contains no errors.
PCP rejected. Bad ITM. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on an ITM record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the ITM record.
WARR Pct Rt not allowed (Warr Calc Cd). The Warranty Percentage Rate cannot be greater than 0 unless Warranty Cost Percentage Rate = P. Remove value or set Warranty Cost Percentage Rate = P.