Create Purchase Requisitions From Sales Orders

Use this screen to generate complete purchase requisitions from sales order line items.

You can create the requisitions for a range of selected pricing projects, catalogs, customers, or sales orders.

You can further refine the creation process by choosing a range of sales order lines and line types that are eligible for requisition generation. You can also include pending sales orders. After the creation process is complete, generated requisitions are available for modification and optional approval on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

Note: You can create a trial run report before you finalize the creation of new requisitions.

Non-inventory sales order lines are eligible for requisition creation if the sales group abbreviation for the line has a valid clearing account. Otherwise, the requisition creation process rejects the sales order line. You can include inventory sales order line items (designated with a valid inventory abbreviation) in the creation process.

If you are using Bills of Material or Inventory, use the Options group box to search material availability and explode a bill of material into independent line items on the requisition.

This application populates new RQ_LN_PO columns with the PO Type, Completed Work Retention Percent and Stored Materials Retention Percent if the row is inserted by the process for purchase agreement logic using suggested blanket orders.

When creating requisition for line accounts, this application checks the owning organization setting on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen for all project postings.

  • If the Use Project Owning Org check box is selected, Costpoint uses the owning organization of the project to be actually charged (not necessarily the SO line charge project) in the appropriate transaction tables.
  • If the Use Project Owning Org check box is cleared, Costpoint uses the sales group abbreviation organization.
Note: During requisition generation, the preferred vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Approval Code must not be Not Approved or Pending. The vendor's Vendor Status for PO must not be On Hold.