Contents of the Manage ACRN Bills Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage ACRN Bills screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid project for which ACRN billings are calculated. This field is required. The field to the right displays the project name.

The project must exist on the Manage Project Billing Information screen and must be transaction-based. A transaction-based billing formula is one that is billed according to the transactions that were charged to the project and used by the Calculate Standard Bills screen. The transactions-based billing formulas include all the formulas except Enter Bill Manually and Manual Bills with Unbilled Detail. You cannot use a Progress Payment formula with ACRN bills.

The level of the project in this field defines the level at which the project ACRN allocation amounts are calculated. All transactions at this level and below are included in the calculations.

Project ACRN

Field Description

Select this checkbox if the project is active. This checkbox is selected by default when a project is set up but can be modified.

Use this checkbox to enable ACRN billing calculations. During initialization, you can clear the checkbox to prevent ACRN allocation amounts from being computed until all data has been entered and verified. You can also clear the checkbox after a project lifespan is over to prevent future calculations.

Use Project Mapping

If you select this checkbox, you can modify the Project Level At and Below field in the table window. This checkbox is available only when the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping.

Note: If you are upgrading from 6.0, you cannot modify the Project Level At and Below field (PROJ_ACRN_DETL.TRN_PROJ_ID) for existing rows in the table. This rule preserves the integrity of the data and the previously billed amounts. If you upgrade and need to calculate allocation amounts at a level below the billing project number, you must add a new line (or multiple lines) to add the new lower level transaction data and then delete the original line.

ACRN Calculations

Use the options in this group box to select the appropriate billing requirement and calculation method.

Billing Requirement

You must select one option to indicate the ACRN billing requirement. Your selection serves as the payment instructions to the paying office. Currently, a government paying office may require a contractor/subcontractor to invoice using an ACRN and dollar amount or an ACRN/Line Item and dollar amount.

The default Billing Requirement is ACRN Only.

Field Description

Select this option to invoice an ACRN and dollar amount. If you select this option, there is no restriction on how costs are allocated to the funding pools (ACRNs); Labor and Other Direct Costs can be paid by any active ACRN with available funds.


ACRN data exists as follows:

ACRN Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
AA $2,500.00
AB $4,000.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $3,000.00
Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $4,500.00

The ACRN allocation on the standard bill looks as follows:

ACRN Amount
AA $2,500.00
AB $2,000.00
ACRN Only with Mapping

Select this option to invoice an ACRN and dollar amount and require direct accounts or PLCs to be linked to each ACRN. If you select this option, no restriction exists on how costs are allocated to the funding pools (ACRNs).  

Note: If the ACRN Billing Requirement is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping AND the Use Project Mapping checkbox is cleared, you must enter data on the Accounts subtask or the PLC Mapping subtask for each Sequence Number before the record can be saved.

Example #1:

  • ACRN AA has been funded in the amount of $2,500.00 for Direct Labor. 
  • ACRN AB has been funded in the amount of $3,500.00 for Other Direct Costs.

The mapping of Accounts provides a mechanism to associate direct costs to specific funding pools. In the Accounts subtask for ACRN AA, enter Direct Labor accounts. On the Accounts subtask for ACRN AB, enter Other Direct Cost accounts.

ACRN data exists as follows:

ACRN Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
AA $2,500.00
AB $3,500.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $1,000.00
Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $2,500.00

The ACRN allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

ACRN Amount
AA $1,000.00
AB $1,500.00

If you select this option and the Project Account Group is not specific to the ACRN row(s), you must link accounts or PLCs to each ACRN line.

Example #2:

ACRN Amount ACRN Obligation
AA $2,500.00 Engineering Labor
AB $3,500.00 Tech Support Labor
AC $1,000.00 Materials

Assuming the project has a Loaded Labor Rate billing formula, you could use the PLC Mapping subtask to assign the Engineering Labor PLC (ENG) to ACRN AA, and the Tech Support PLC (TECH) to ACRN AB. For ACRN AC, you could use the Accounts subtask to map the applicable material general ledger accounts.

ACRN/Line Item

Select this option to invoice an ACRN, an associated line item, and dollar amount. If you select this option, no restriction exists on how costs are allocated to the funding pools (ACRNs); Labor and Other Direct Costs can be paid by any active ACRN/Line Item with available funds.


ACRN data exists as follows:

ACRN Line Item Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
AA 0001AA $2,500.00
AA 0001AB $1,600.00
AB 0002 $4,000.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $3,000.00
Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $4,500.00

The ACRN allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

ACRN Line Item Amount
AA 0001AA $2,500.00
AA 0001AB $1,600.00
AB 0002 $400.00
ACRN/Line Item with Mapping

Select this option to invoice an ACRN, an associated Line Item, and dollar amount, and to require direct accounts or PLCs to be linked to each ACRN/Line Item. If you select this option, no restriction exists on how the costs are allocated to the funding pools (ACRNs).

Note: If the ACRN Billing Requirement is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping AND the Use Project Mapping checkbox is cleared, you must enter data in the Accounts subtask or the PLC Mapping subtask for each Sequence Number before the record can be saved.

Example #1:

  • ACRN/Line Item AA/0001AA has been funded in the amount of $2,500.00 for Direct Labor.
  • ACRN/Line Item AA/0001AB has been funded in the amount of $1,500.00 for Direct Labor.
  • ACRN/Line Item AB/0002 has been funded in the amount of $3,500.00 for Other Direct Costs.

    On the Accounts subtask for ACRN/Line Item AA/0001AA, enter Direct Labor accounts. On the Accounts subtask for ACRN/Line Item AA/0001AB, enter Direct Labor accounts. On the Accounts subtask for ACRN/Line Item AB/0002, enter Other Direct Cost accounts.

    If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

    Direct Labor $3,500.00
    Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
    Total Invoice Amount $5,000.00

    The ACRN Allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

    ACRN Line Item Amount
    AA 0001AA $2,500.00
    AA 0001AB $1,000.00
    AB 0002 $1,500.00

    If you select this option and the Project Account Group is not specific to the ACRN row(s), you must link accounts or PLCs to each ACRN line.

    Example #2:

    ACRN Line Item Amount ACRN Obligation
    AA 0001AA $1,500.00 Engineering Labor
    AA 0001AB $2,500.00 Tech Support Labor
    AB 0002 $4,000.00 Travel

    Assuming the project has a Loaded Labor Rate billing formula, you could use the PLC Mapping subtask to assign the Engineering Labor PLC (ENG) to ACRN AA/Line Item 0001AA, and the Tech Support PLC (TECH) to ACRN AA/0001AB. For ACRN AB/Line Item 0002, you could use the Accounts subtask to map the applicable travel general ledger accounts.

Calculation Method

You must select a calculation method. Section G of your contract provides calculation instructions.

Field Description

Select this option to allocate ACRN amounts using a "First In, First Out" methodology (ACRN AA funds are used before ACRN AB funds.) The Sequence Number linked to each ACRN and/or Line Item determines the order of funds used.


ACRN data exists as follows:

Sequence Number ACRN Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 AA $4,200.00
2 AB $1,500.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $3,500.00
Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $5,000.00

The ACRN allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

ACRN Amount
AA $4,200.00
AB $800.00

Select this option to allocate ACRN amounts using a "Last In, First Out" methodology (ACRN AB funds are used before ACRN AA funds.)  The Sequence Number linked to each ACRN and/or Line Item determines the order of funds used.


ACRN data exists as follows:

Sequence Number ACRN Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 AA $7,200.00
2 AB $1,500.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $3,500.00
Other Direct Costs $2,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $6,000.00

The ACRN Allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

ACRN Amount
AA $4,500.00
AB $1,500.00

Select this option to use a ratio of available funds for each ACRN and/or ACRN/Line Item to the total remaining funds for all ACRNs. Costpoint applies the resulting ratio to the total amount(s). 


ACRN data exists as follows:

Sequence Number ACRN Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 AA $4,200.00
2 AB $1,500.00

If a Standard Bill is calculated and results in the following amounts:

Direct Labor $3,500.00
Other Direct Costs $1,500.00
Total Invoice Amount $5,000.00

The ACRN allocation on the Standard Bill looks as follows:

ACRN Amount
AA $3,684.21
AB $1,315.79

The calculations for the proration are as follows:

ACRN Calculation Allocation Amount
AA (4,200.00 / (4,200.00 + 1,500.00)) * 5,000.00 3,684.21
AB (1,500.00 / (4,200.00 + 1,500.00)) * 5,000.00 1,315.79
Earliest Expiring Funds

Select this option to allocate ACRN amounts based on the expiration date of the funds. When you select this method, you must enter a date in the Expiration Date field in every ACRN line in the Project ACRN Details table. When the record is saved, the Seq No fields in the table window will be reordered based on the value in the Expiration Date field, with the earliest date with the lowest Seq No value.

Costpoint uses the FIFO calculation method when this option is selected since the allocation of amounts will be the same as FIFO after the sequence numbers are reordered from the earliest to the latest expiration date. If multiple entries have the same expiration date, the rows will be reordered based on the original sequence number.

Example 1: Multiple ACRNs with the same expiration date

Seq No ACRN Expiration Date
1 AA 06/02/2009
2 AB 05/04/2009
3 AC 06/02/2009

When the record is saved, the rows will be reordered based on the original sequence number:

Seq No ACRN Expiration Date
1 AB 05/04/2009
2 AA 06/02/2009
3 AC 06/02/2009

Example 2: ACRN with multiple SLIN/Line Items having the same expiration date

Seq No ACRN SLIN/Line Item Expiration Date
1 AA ZA 06/02/2009
2 AA ZB 05/04/2009
3 AA ZC 06/02/2009

When the record is saved, the rows will be reordered based on the original sequence number:

Seq No ACRN SLIN/Line Item Expiration Date
1 AA ZB 05/04/2009
2 AA ZA 06/02/2009
3 AA ZC 06/02/2009

ACRN Project Totals

Field Description
Total Project Funding

This field displays the total of all funding applicable to the project levels at and to which the Manage ACRN Bills screen is linked. The amount is derived from the total funded values (PROJ_F_TOT_AMT) in PROJ. Regardless of whether or not the Use Project Mapping checkbox is selected, this field will be equal to the total funding at and below the ACRN project level.

Total ACRN Value

This field displays the sum of the Total ACRN Value amounts in the table window.

Current ACRN Value

This field displays the sum of the Current ACRN Allocation Value amounts in the table window.

Previous ACRN Value

This field displays the sum of the Previous ACRN Allocation Value amounts in the table window.

Remaining ACRN Value

This field displays the sum of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amounts in the table window.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the calculated invoice amount for this project. The invoice amount is derived from the Manage Standard Bills screen. If an invoice has not been calculated for the project, 0.00 displays in the field.

Project ACRN Details

Use the fields in this table to initialize and/or modify the ACRN data that is printed on the standard bill. 

Field Description
Seq No

Enter a sequence number in this required field to specify the order in which the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item is evaluated when Costpoint allocates ACRN amounts. If the Calculation Method is FIFO, Costpoint first evaluates the line with a sequence number of "1," followed by "2," and so on. If the Calculation Method is LIFO, Costpoint first evaluates the line with the maximum sequence number, followed by the next maximum number, and so on. If the Calculation Method is Proration, Costpoint uses the sequence number only for rounding issues. If rounding issues exist, the amount is allocated to the line with the smallest active sequence number with available funds.


Enter the code that is used as the Accounting Classification Reference Number. This is a required field.


Select this checkbox if the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item is active. This checkbox is selected by default when a new line is added to the table window, but you can modify it.

Use this checkbox to enable ACRN billing calculations. If you select this checkbox, the line is eligible for ACRN allocation amounts. If the checkbox is cleared, the line is not eligible for ACRN allocation amounts; this can be helpful when the period of performance of an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item has expired.

SLIN/Line Item

Enter a maximum of six-characters to identify the Contract Line Item (CLIN), Subcontract Line Item (SLIN), or Exhibit Line Item (ELIN). This field is visible and required when the Billing Requirement is ACRN/Line Item or ACRN/Line Item w/Account Mapping

Total ACRN Value

Enter an amount for the ACRN or ACRN/line item.

Previous ACRN Allocation Value

This field displays either a user-supplied value for the project, or a Costpoint-calculated value that is updated by the Post Standard Bills application. You can edit this field.

Current ACRN Allocation Value

This field displays a Costpoint-calculated value updated by the Calculate ACRN Bills screen. 

You can edit this field if a standard bill exists on the Manage Standard Bills screen. If you modify this field, be careful to ensure the total amount of the Current ACRN Allocation Value field reconciles to the invoice amount of the standard bill. If the two amounts are different, future ACRN billing allocation amounts may be incorrect.

Total ACRN Allocation Value

Costpoint calculates in this field by adding the Previous ACRN Allocation Value and the Current ACRN Allocation Value fields.

Remaining ACRN Allocation Value

Costpoint calculates in this field by subtracting the Total ACRN Allocation Value field from the Total ACRN Value field.

Standard Document Number (SDN)

Enter the SDN for the ACRN.

Project Level At and Below

You can edit this field only when the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping and the Use Project Mapping checkbox is selected. If these requirements are not met, this field displays the billing level project number.

If you are upgrading from 6.0, you cannot modify the Project Level At and Below field (PROJ_ACRN_DETL.TRN_PROJ_ID) for existing rows in the table. This rule preserves the integrity of the data and the previously billed amounts. If you upgrade and need to calculate allocation amounts at a level below the billing project number, you must add a new line (or multiple lines) to add the new lower level transaction data and then delete the original line.

Enter, or click to select, a child of the billing level project number. The project number entered must exist in the project tree and be at or below the invoice project number (PROJ_BILL_ACRN.PROJ_ID). All tasks below the entered project number are used for that row’s calculation (essentially wildcarding all project data at and below the entered project). You cannot stack the project data for any part of the project tree on multiple lines. This is a required field.

Since stacking is not allowed, a problem may arise if you are using schedule bill amounts. A schedule bill amount is a fixed amount invoiced on a standard bill that is calculated at the billing level. If you use project mapping, the stacking restriction prevents you from locating and allocating the schedule bill amount. You must indicate where the schedule bill amount is mapped by selecting the Include Schedule Bill checkbox for a row. You can select the Include Schedule Bill checkbox for only one row.

An Example of Wildcarding in the Project Level At and Below field:

The following data exists for a project:

Project Number Project Function ACRN Funding Amount
FF01 Top Level Rollup
FF01.01 Revenue and Billing Level
FF01.01.01 Labor Rollup AA 15,000.00
FF01.01.01.01 Task 1 Engineering Labor
FF01.01.01.02 Task 2 Support Labor
FF01.01.02 ODC Rollup
FF01.01.02.01 Task 1 Computer Purchases AB 50,000.00
FF01.01.02.02 Task 2 Maintenance Contracts AC 6,000.00

ACRN AA is funded for all Labor, Engineering Labor, and Support Labor. However, a contract requirement specifies that the labor must be invoiced on separate tasks. ACRN AB is funded for all computer purchases and ACRN AC for the maintenance contracts on the computer purchases.

ACRN AA is funded for $15,000.00, which encompasses all labor, but the funding is not broken down by Engineering versus Support Labor. You might try to enter the data in the table window for ACRN AA as follows:

Seq No Project Level At and Below ACRN Active Total ACRN Value Previous ACRN Allocation Value Current ACRN Allocation Value Total ACRN Allocation Value Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 FF01.01.01.01 AA Y
2 FF01.01.01.02 AA Y

As you can see, there is no way to break out the $15,000.00 funding amount accurately. If you enter $15,000.00 as the Total ACRN Value for sequence number 1, you would have to enter 0.00 for sequence number 2, which is not correct. You cannot enter $15,000.00 as the Total ACRN Value for both sequence numbers 1 and 2 because this overstates the funded value. Since the labor isn't funded by project labor category, there is no way to detail the $15,000.00 funding amount.

Using wildcards, you could set up the data as follows:

Seq No Project Level At and Below ACRN Active Total ACRN Value Previous ACRN Allocation Value Current ACRN Allocation Value Total ACRN Allocation Value Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 FF01.01.01 AA Y 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00
2 FF01.01.02.01 AB Y 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00
3 FF01.01.02.02 AC Y 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00
Include Schedule Bill

Select this checkbox to include schedule bill amounts for this ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. You can edit this checkbox only when the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping and the Use Project Mapping checkbox is selected.

Seq No Change

Use this field to enter a sequence number to reorder the records in the table window. When you save the record, the number in the Seq No Change column becomes the number in the Seq No column, and the rows are reordered to reflect the changed number. This field allows you to assign a sequence number to new ACRN/Line Item rows that need to be inserted with a sequence number different from the system-generated number. In a table with many records, you can use the Query function in the table window to return limited records, and then insert Seq No Change values for those records. Upon saving, Costpoint rearranges ALL rows based on the values you specified. Seq No Change remains populated until the invoice is posted.

You can edit this field unless the calculation method is Earliest Expiring Funds.

Expiration Date

Enter, or click to select, an expiration date for the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. If you select the Earliest Expiring Funds calculation method, this field is required and is used to reorder the Seq No column based on the expiration date when the record is saved. This field is available but is not used in the other calculation methods.


This checkbox is enabled only when the Track ACRN Change History option is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. If you make changes to a line in the table window, this checkbox is automatically selected when you save the record, and it remains selected until the invoice is posted. This option allows you to see which ACRN lines had changes made until the invoice is posted. After the invoice is posted, the checkbox will be cleared.


This field is enabled only when the Track ACRN Change History option is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. If you make changes to a line in the table window, this is populated with your user ID and remains populated until the invoice is posted. This field allows you to see which ACRN lines were changed and by whom. Although only the user ID of the last user is displayed in the table window, all users who made changes to an ACRN line are listed in the Change History table. After the invoice is posted, the User field becomes blank.

Change History

This checkbox is enabled only when the Track ACRN Change History option is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. If you make changes to a line in the table window, this checkbox is automatically selected when you save the record. After records are inserted into the Change History table, the Change History checkbox will remain selected and you can no longer edit this checkbox or the other fields in the Change History table. Furthermore, you will not be able to delete any line in the table window where this checkbox is selected and if that line exists in the PROJ_ACRN_DETL_HS table.


You can enter data for a given ACRN or ACRN/Line Item on only one subtask. If you manually enter data into both subtasks for an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item, the data on the PLC Mapping subtask is used and the data on the Accounts subtask is ignored.

Subtask Description
Accounts Click this link to open the Accounts subtask, which contains a table window where you can identify which direct accounts to link to an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. This subtask is accessible if the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only w/Account Mapping or ACRN/Line Item w/Account Mapping.

If you have specific Project Account Groups related to an ACRN or ACRN/Line Item, no account mapping is required. All labor, non-labor, and unit accounts are eligible for the allocation amounts.

PLC Mapping Click this link to open the PLC Mapping subtask and link project labor categories to ACRN or ACRN/Line Items. This gives you a way to match specific labor resources to funding. The PLC Mapping link is enabled only if the Billing Requirement value is ACRN Only with Mapping or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping and the invoice project's billing formula is a Loaded Labor Rate type.
ACRN Change History Click this link to open the ACRN Change History subtask, which contains a historical record of the changes made to ACRN lines.