Manage Provisional Parts

Use this screen to create and maintain information about provisional parts.

Provisional parts are parts that are not yet (and might never be) defined as standard parts in Product Definition, and are used for planning purposes only. Establishing provisional parts on this screen is similar to creating standard parts in Product Definition; however, provisional part information is stored in a separate table.

You can use provisional parts in proposals, Proposal Bills of Material (PBOMs), unreleased Engineering Bills of Material (EBOMs), Requests for Quotes (RFQs), and vendor quotes. Before you can use a provisional part in any other screen, you must first use the Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts screen to convert it to a standard part.

This screen contains three tabs:

  • Basic Characteristics: Use this tab to enter the basic characteristics and codes inherent to specific parts.
  • Order Policy: Use this tab to establish tracking information for a specific part.
  • Comments: Use this tab to enter comments associated with this part and establish any additional part information.