Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions

Use the Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions screen to generate requisitions for manufacturing order subcontractor requirements.

You can then access the requisition in Costpoint Procurement Planning. When you generate requisitions in this application, transactional and functional currencies are assumed to be the same, and therefore all transactional and functional amounts for requisitions will be the same (that is, the exchange rate is 1). Purchase Orders generated from these requisitions will have their PO costs added to the cost of the manufacturing order and will have the MO ID as the order reference ID.

Note: During requisition generation, the preferred vendor is not assigned if it is a payroll vendor, if its Approval Code is Pending or Not Approved, or if its Vendor Status for PO is On Hold.

Click the Generate Reqs button after selecting the MO Status criteria and additional fields to limit the displayed MOs or MO Routing lines. You can select the planner, default build-to project, netting group, warehouse, and MO status of the MOs to display. Closed and completed MOs are excluded from the display.

Use this screen to pull up either a list of open MOs or a list of open MO routing lines referencing subcontractor operations that meet the entered selection criteria.