Part Project (PPJ) Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the PPJ Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
Ord To Qty not allowed (Order Policy). The Order To Quantity can have a value greater than zero if the associated (Part ID/Part Revision ID) PRT record or the existing associated PART record has an Order Policy Type equal to O (Order To Point).
PPJ rejected, duplicate key. There is more than one PPJ input line with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID. Only one PPJ record is allowed per Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID. Remove or correct duplicate record.
PPJ rejected, no matching Item. There is a PPJ record in the input file without a corresponding ITM record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID).
PPJ rejected. Bad ITM. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on an ITM record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the ITM record.
Pref Inv Loc ID req'd if Whse ID entered. The Preferred Inventory Location ID is required if a Preferred Warehouse ID is provided for a new PPJ record. Provide a Preferred Inventory Location ID or remove the Preferred Warehouse ID from the PPJ line.
Pref Whse ID req'd if Inv Loc ID entered. The Preferred Warehouse ID is required if a Preferred Inventory Location ID is provided for a new PPJ record. Provide a Preferred Warehouse ID or remove the Preferred Inventory Location ID from the PPJ line.
Reord Pt Qty not allowed (Order Policy). The Reorder To Quantity can have a value greater than zero if the associated (Part ID/Part Revision ID) PRT record or the existing associated PART record has an Order Policy Type equal to R (Reorder Point).