Summarize Project Ledger

Use this screen to summarize the project ledger tables (PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM) into a specified subperiod.

The process deletes rows that have been summarized from these tables. This frees disk space and reduces the size of your database.

This summarization process is performed on a year-to-date basis for all periods and subperiods up to and including the subperiod selected. In PROJ_SUM, the application inserts a row for each unique project/organization/account combination into the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected. In PROJ_BURD_SUM, a row for each unique project/organization/account/pool combination is inserted. Costpoint then deletes the rows that were summarized.

Note that you cannot update the project report tables for the periods deleted because these processes reference PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM to obtain information.

Deltek does not recommend using this utility in an active fiscal year. If you choose to do so, please be aware of the following:

  • After you have used this utility to summarize rows, you can no longer compute burden for the summarized subperiod or any prior periods. Instead, you must use the Apply Indirect Costs to Summarized Project Ledger utility to accurately update costs from the General Ledger and apply burden.
  • The Compare Project Ledger to General Ledger toolkit no longer works correctly. If you run this toolkit, all subperiods that no longer exist (that were summarized) in the project tables return rows in the table window. This can be thousands of rows.
  • The Compute Revenue process inserts labor rows for T&M formulas into the PROJ_SUM table for subperiods prior to the summarized row if you executed the Load Labor Rates process for those subperiods. There can be a fair number of such rows because the retroactive billing process dictates that the Load Labor Rates application be run for all affected periods/subperiods for the retroactive invoice. You consequently get inaccurate data (incorrect number of hours and T&M revenue) when you summarize the project data and create inaccurate values when you execute the Update Prior Year History screen.
  • Costpoint cannot accurately release direct account ceilings for summarized rows because it cannot tell in what order the ceilings were originally enforced.
  • Costpoint cannot create report tables for subperiods before the summarized row because there is no data in those rows.
  • Costpoint can no longer compute award fees accurately because all award fee periods are summarized into one subperiod. Because award fees are accrued and funded within an award fee period, Costpoint can longer distinguish one award fee period from another for the summarized rows.