ECNs Subtask

Use this subtask to view Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) for the part. Use it as required to view ECN information.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the selected item. The item description is also displayed.


This field displays the revision of the selected item.


This field displays the unit of measure associated with the item.


This fields displays whether the item is an M (Make) or B (Buy) item.


This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) for the active status of this item.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the ID of the ECN.


This column displays the revision of the ECN.

ECN Description

This column displays the description of the ECN.


This column displays the status of the ECN.


This column displays the type of ECN.


This column displays the ECN class.


This column displays the priority of the ECN.


This column displays the reason for the ECN.

Action Code

This column displays the code for the action that this ECN performs:

  • A: Add
  • C: Change
  • D: Delete
  • R: Replace
  • V: New Revision
  • O: Obsolete
Original Part

This column displays the ID of the part that is affected by the ECN.

Original Part Rev

This column displays the rev of the part that is affected by the ECN.

Original Part Desc

This column displays the description of the part that is affected by the ECN.

Original Part Status

This column displays the release status of the part that is affected by the ECN:

  • E: Estimating
  • O: Obsolete
  • P: Pre-Release
  • R: Released
  • S: Phase-Out
  • U: Unreleased
Original Part Active

This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending whether the original part affected by the ECN is active or not.

Change-To Part

This column displays the ID of the part that replaces the original part. If the Original Part column is blank, this column displays the new part being created by the ECN.

Change-To Rev

This column displays the revision of the part that replaces the original part. If the Original Part column is blank, this column displays the revision of the new part being created by the ECN.

Change-To Part Desc

This column displays the description of the part that replaces the original part. If the Original Part column is blank, this column displays the description of the new part being created by the ECN.

Change-To Part Status

This column displays the release status that the change-to part will be assigned by the ECN:

  • E: Estimating
  • O: Obsolete
  • P: Pre-Release
  • R: Released
  • S: Phase-Out
  • U: Unreleased
Change-To Part Cage

This column displays the CAGE code of the part being added by the ECN.

Change-To Part Make/Buy

This column displays B (Buy) if the change-to part is normally purchased and M (Make) if it is normally manufactured.

Material Disposition

This column displays the code for material disposition:

  • S: Scrap
  • R: Rework
  • I: Reinspect
  • N: No change
  • V: Update revision
Effective Date

This column displays the date on which the changes become effective.


This column displays the employee ID of the person originating the ECN.

Originator Name

This column displays the name of the person originating the ECN.


This column displays the organization to which the ECN is linked.

ECN Date

This column displays the date on which the ECN originated.

Submit for Approval Date

This column displays the date on which the ECN was submitted for approval.

Approval Date

This column displays the date on which the ECN was approved.

Planned Impl Date

This column displays the date on which changes are planned for implementation.

Implementation Date

This column displays the date on which the ECN changes are implemented.

Cust Apprvl Reqd

This column displays Y (Yes) or N(No) to indicate whether customer approval is required or not for the ECN.


This column displays the ID of the customer for whom the ECN is being performed.

Customer Name

This column displays the name of the customer for whom the ECN is being performed.

Cust Apprvl Status

This column displays the current status of the customer approval. Valid values are:

  • Not Required
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Rejected

This column displays the Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) number assigned to the ECN.

ECP Type

This column displays the current type of the ECP. Valid values are:

  • Formal
  • Preliminary
  • Not Applicable

This column displays the CAGE ID assigned to the ECN.

Approval Project

This column displays the ID of the project that is to be used to determine which users can approve the ECN.


This column displays Y (Yes) or N(No) to indicate whether or not the ECN is on hold.

Originator Phone

This column displays the telephone number of the originator of the ECN.

Originator Phone Ext

This column displays the telephone extension number of the originator of the ECN.

Approval Process

This column displays the approval process this ECN is required to pass before implementation.

Last Change User

This column displays the user ID of the person who made the last change to the ECN.

Last Change Date/Time

This column displays the date and time of the last change to the ECN.

Entry User

This column displays the user ID of the person who originally created the ECN.

Entry Date/Time

This column displays the date and time on which the ECN was originally created.

Company ID

This column displays your company ID based on the search criteria and the setting of the Separate Items by Company check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.