Inventory Accounts and Inventory Projects

Use the Configure Inventory Accounts screen in Costpoint Inventory to establish default adjustment and scrap inventory account/organizations for allocated and common inventory.

On this screen, you can also specify either Target Rates or Actual Rates as the default for calculating inventory burden amounts. You can also select the method for burdening raw material inventory when issued or received as well as the default account/organization where all asset raw material burden variance will be posted.

On the Manage Inventory Projects screen, select the method that will be used to calculate the value of inventory for a project when you post transactions to the General Ledger. Use the Inventory Abbreviations subtask to establish inventory abbreviations and assign them to project/account/organization combinations. For each inventory abbreviation, select the Acct Type (Asset or Expensed) and Inv Type (Raw Materials or Finished Goods) so that inventory transactions can be posted to the General Ledger and any appropriate burden costs can be allocated to inventory.