Select End Item Configuration Subtask

Use the Select End Item Configuration subtask to view the configuration of the end part to be bought or manufactured.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order ID

This column displays the manufacturing order ID from the main screen.

MO Status

This column displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created.


This field displays the revision ID for the build part.

Build Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part being built with this MO.

Table Window

Field Description
As of Date

This field displays the as of date that determines the BOM and routing to load.


This field displays the BOM configuration that determines the BOM and routing to load.

Starting Serial No

This field displays the starting serial number of the end part to be bought or manufactured under that configuration.

Ending Serial No

This field displays the ending serial number of the end part to be bought or manufactured under that configuration.

Load Configuration

Click this button to load configuration ID and As Of date corresponding to the selected serial number.