Create the Unbilled Reason Code Report

Follow these steps to create the Unbilled Reason Code Report.

To create the Unbilled Reason Code Report:  

  1. On the Manage Unbilled Reason Codes screen, set up the user-defined codes. 

    Costpoint already has codes for the following:

    • AWARDFEE (Award Fee)
    • REVADJ (Revenue Adjustments)
    • RTNGE (Retainage)
    • RTVAR (Rate Variance)
    • SUBBILL (Subsequent Billings)
    • UNTRAN (Unbilled Transactions)
    • WH (Withholding)

    Costpoint calculates the amounts and groups them by system code. Any unbilled amount that does not fall into one of the preceding descriptions is shown under a system code of NONE. You then have the opportunity to redistribute the NONE unbilled amount by the user-defined codes. Some examples of user-defined codes are COMP (Billed at Completion), CONTRACT (Pending Contract), MLSTONE (Milestone Billings).

  2. Run the Print Unbilled Analysis Report screen.

    This populates the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes table with system-defined codes and the NONE amount. 

  3. In the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen, reclassify the NONE amount to various user-defined unbilled reason codes. 
  4. Print the Unbilled Analysis Report, clicking the Unbilled Reason Code Report option at the top of the screen.

Once you have assigned an amount to a user defined code, you can select a code of S or N to prevent the recalculation of this amount. Only amounts with a code of Y are recalculated. You must manually modify the S or N code to Y to have Costpoint recalculate the amount in a future period.