Print Purchase Order Change Orders

Use the Print Purchase Order Change Orders screen to print hard copies of the purchase order (PO) change orders.

You can compare a change order to any previous change order and you can print any information that differs. Many of the print options on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen that apply to printing purchase orders also apply to printing purchase change orders as well. However purchase change orders display modified, added or deleted lines for a PO, as well as the dollar amount change by line and the PO as a whole. If the purchase order is a Blanket PO or a release of a Blanket PO, this displays in the header of the purchase change order printout.

Note: Be sure to review the print settings (and documentation) on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen before printing purchase change orders. Several of the print options available on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen are modifiable only on that screen, but not the Print Purchase Order Change Orders screen.

Print purchase order change orders when a hard copy of the change order is required.

The purchase order change order is not part of the Costpoint trail and does not need to be retained. You may, however, find it useful to retain a hard copy of the purchase order change order for your records.