Functional Information

If the PO vendor is changed in an existing purchase order (PO_HDR), Costpoint updates the corresponding PO_HDR_DFLT row for the vendor-related initial values. This does not update values in existing PO lines.

Functional Currency versus Transactional Currency

When the multicurrency feature is in use, purchase orders can be created in terms of a currency (called transactional currency) different from the functional currency (the currency used for the company’s financial statements, and selected at Costpoint initialization). Purchase order information is entered primarily in the transactional currency, and Costpoint calculates the corresponding value for the functional currency fields. Data is stored in both currencies.

For example, the Gross Unit Cost amount in the PO line from the input file now loads into the Transaction Gross Unit Cost column (PO_LN. TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT) and the system calculates the value of Gross Unit Cost (PO_LN. GROSS_UNIT_CST_AMT) in terms of functional currency. Subsequent calculations will be performed separately for each currency.

For example, the Input file might have the Gross Unit Cost for the purchase order line as 100 (transactional currency = GBP). This would translate to 160 (functional currency = USD) assuming an exchange rate of GBP to USD = 1.6. Both these values are stored separately in different fields (PO_LN. TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT = 100, PO_LN. GROSS_UNIT_CST_AMT = 160). Subsequent calculations (like Net Unit Cost) will be calculated and stored separately too.  Assuming a volume discount rate of 10% (PO_LN.DISC_PCT_RT = 0.10), the PO line Net Unit Cost amount will be 90 (GBP) and 144 (USD) and stored as PO_LN. TRN_NET_UN_CST_AMT = 90 and PO_LN.NET_UNIT_CST_AMT = 144 respectively.

Calculations for Exchange Rates

Standard multicurrency functions are used to calculate exchange rates between transactional and functional currencies. This applies exchange rates corresponding to the Rate Group and Rate Date (or Rate Period). For non-Euro currencies, the Trans to Func exchange rate is used. If a direct exchange rate is unavailable, then the triangulation method, using a third common rate, is used to derive the exchange rate (if you set it up on Configure Multicurrency Settings screen). For Euro currencies, the products of Trans to Euro and Euro to Func exchange rates are used to derive the appropriate exchange rate between the transactional and functional currencies.


To incorporate multicurrency features in the PO Preprocessor, the input files include new fields and additional calculations for transactional currency and functional currency. If you have multicurrency transactions, all amount fields in the input file are listed in the transactional currency, which may not be the same as the functional currency. The process calculates the corresponding functional currency fields using exchange rate information in other tables. Data is stored in both currencies in Costpoint.

If the input file does not specify any transaction currency, the transactional and functional currencies are the same. All currency-related columns are nevertheless populated with default values, the system exchange rate is 1, and amount columns therefore have the same values for transactional and functional currencies.

Files Necessary to Run Import Purchase Orders

The following custom and stored procedure files must be accessible to run the Import Purchase Orders.

File Name Description
CSTPOINT.EXE Costpoint executable
CPPMGRSV.EXE Costpoint Process Server executable
AOPUTLPO.EXE Purchase Order Preprocessor application executable
AOPUTLPO.ORA Oracle stored procedures for the Import Purchase Orders
AOPUTLPO.MSS SQL Server stored procedures for the Import Purchase Orders
Note: See the Setup Procedures and Processing Details sections prior to using this program for the first time.