Manage Total Ceilings

Use this screen to set project total ceilings. These ceilings are imposed on the entire project rather than on individual elements.

You can place ceilings on the cost of the project, the fee, or the total of the cost and the fee. You can also designate whether each of these ceilings is in effect for revenue, billing, both, or neither. You can also place the ceiling on the contract value or the funded value of the project.

Ceilings are considered when revenue is computed and/or when bills are calculated, depending on the ceiling code entered. You can enter them at any branch of the project tree, with the ceiling information rolling up to the top level. For example, if you place a ceiling at the third level of the project, that ceiling will take effect on the third, second, and first levels of the project. You can also enter ceilings at multiple levels on the same project tree. You enter the values to which the ceilings apply on the Manage Modifications screen. If you enter the same ceiling for both the award value and the funded value, Costpoint uses the lower of the two.

Valid ceiling codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (All), or N (None). These are the codes that normally display on the screen. If you see a numeric value ranging from "1" to "7" in any of the six code fields, this means that a user has modified the ceiling code since the last time revenue or billing was calculated. For example, if one of the fields was modified from a code of R to a code of B, the numeric value 1 replaced the B when the screen was saved. You cannot modify this field after the screen has been saved, and it displays a numerical value until revenue or billing has been calculated. After the calculation, it reverts to one of the four alpha characters noted and can then be modified. The alpha and numerical values are stored in the PROJ table and inform Costpoint of the type of ceiling code modifications. This enhances the processing speed of the programs by limiting the projects that must be reviewed for modifications. The tables of those projects that have incurred modifications are then adjusted to correct for the specific ceiling code modification.

The following is a list of the ceiling code modifications along with the action that is taken by the program:

Original Code New Code Resulting Number Program Action
R B 1 The Compute Revenue screen resets the code to B and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the PROJ_SUM table. The Calculate Standard Bills screen applies the ceilings and does not modify the code.
B R 2 The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to R and removes the over-ceiling amounts from new invoice amounts. The Compute Revenue screen applies the ceilings and does not modify the code.
A B 3 The Compute Revenue screen resets the code to B and removes the amounts from the PROJ_SUM table. The Calculate Standard Bills screen applies the ceilings and does not modify the code.
A R 4 The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to R and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts. The Compute Revenue screen applies the ceilings and does not modify the code.
R N 5 The Compute Revenue screen resets the code to N and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the PROJ_SUM table.
B N 6 The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to N and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts.
A N 7 If the Compute Revenue screen is executed first, it resets the code to 6 and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the PROJ_SUM table. The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to N and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts.


If the Calculate Standard Bills screen is executed first, it resets the code to 5 and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts. The Compute Revenue screen resets the code to N and removes over-ceiling amounts from the PROJ_SUM table.

Initialize this screen before you compute revenue or calculate bills, depending on the code (revenue, billing, all, or none) entered. Maintenance is required only if one of the codes changes.

This screen is also available as a subtask on the Manage Project User Flow: Total Ceilings.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.