Write Off a Line

You can use the Adjust Open Billing Detail Records screen to write off a line.

To write off a line:

  1. Highlight a row for transfer.
  2. Right-click the row and select the Write Off function.

    When a line is selected for transfer, W displays in the Action column.

    When you write off a row, the Transaction Amount column populates the Adjustment Amount column and the Transaction Hours column (if applicable) populates the Adjustment Hours column. You can edit the Adjustment Amount and the Adjustment Hours columns to allow for partial write-offs. You can use both positive hours and amounts and negative hours and amounts.

  3. For hours write-offs, you can edit the Adjustment PLC column.
  4. Enter write-off details in the Reason column.
  5. After printing the proposed write-off, click to write off selected items.

In addition, the Adjustment Account column is populated with an "Unallowable" account when the selected row is to be written off. The unallowable account is the account from the project account group of the project designated by an "Unallowable" function code.

This Adjustment Account column is editable and provides easy access to available unallowable accounts in the project account group. Costpoint displays an error message if no "Unallowable" account exists in the project account group. A write-off is not allowed if these accounts do not exist in the project account group.

The Write-Off Amount and Write-Off Hours fields on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen are updated with the amounts from the Adjustment Amount and Adjustment Hours columns when you run the process.