Part and BOM Types

Below are listed the key part and BOM key characteristics and how they affect the explosion and planning process.

End parts, the part type, and part make/buy code will be checked during processing. For subassemblies and components of the end parts, the BOM component type and make/buy code will be used. It is possible that the same part might be in multiple BOM lines for the selected end parts with different BOM characteristics. If that happens, you can have the same part planned in different ways in the same process. You designate Part Type on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. All parts excluded from make/buy list reporting will still be included on the indented BOM report with zero quantity per.

End Buy Part, Not a "Buy with Components"

If one of the listed end parts is a buy part but does not have a Part Type of Buy with Components (as designated on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition), any components under that part will be ignored for make/buy list reporting (but not indented BOM reporting), requisition and MO generation, and reservation generation.

Reference and Tooling Component/Part Types

Reference and tooling components/parts will be ignored for make/buy list reporting (but not indented BOM reporting), requisition, MO, and reservation generation (but can be included as a non-inventory MO requirement). Any components of these parts will also be ignored.

Deleted Components

Deleted components (components for which the Comp Type field on the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Materials screen in Costpoint Bills of Material is set to D (Deleted)) will be ignored for make/buy list/indented BOM reporting, requisition, MO, and reservation generation. Any components of these parts will also be ignored.

Phantom Component/Part Types

Phantom components/parts will be ignored for make/buy list reporting (but not indented BOM reporting), requisition, MO, and reservation generation, but any components of phantoms will be eligible for reporting/processing. If a MO is generated for an assembly calling out a phantom, any next level components of that phantom on the MO requirements are included (if there is a phantom in the next level components, its components are included as well until no phantoms are found).

Omit Requirements

Components with the Omit Requirement check box selected (in the Component subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Materials screen in Costpoint Bills of Material) will be ignored for make/buy list/indented BOM reporting, requisition, MO and reservation generation (but can be included as a non-inventory MO requirement). Any components of these parts will also be ignored for all purposes.

Stop Explosion

The components with the Stop Explosion check box selected (in the Component subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Materials screen in Costpoint Bills of Material) will be treated as a normal component for make/buy list/indented BOM reporting, requisition, MO, and reservation generation purposes, but any their components will be ignored for reporting, requisition, MO, and reservation generation purposes. If generating requirements from an MBOM or subassembly whose Stop Explosion check box is selected, the requirements generation process will stop at that particular level. If the part is an M (Make) part, or B (Buy with components) part type, the requirements generation process will continue through all levels of explosion.

Non-Inventory Parts

If the part's Inventory Part check box is not selected on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, the part will be ignored for make/buy list reporting (but not indented BOM reporting), requisition, MO, and reservation generation (but can be included as a non-inventory MO requirement). Any components of the part will also be ignored for all purposes.

Inactive Parts

If the part's Active check box is not selected on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, the part will be ignored for make/buy/indented BOM list reporting, requisition, MO, and reservation generation. Any components of the part will also be ignored for all purposes.

Floor Stock Parts

If the part's Floor Stock check box is selected on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, the part will be ignored for make/buy list reporting (but not indented BOM reporting), requisition, and reservation generation (but can be included as a non-inventory MO requirement). Any components of the part will also be ignored for all purposes.

Reorder Planning Policy

If the part's Planning Type is Reorder (as designated on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition), the part will be included for make/buy list/indented BOM reporting, but not for requisition or MO generation (but can be included as a non-inventory MO requirement). Any components of the part will also be ignored for all purposes. The part will be included as an inventory requirement on the parent MO; however, requisitions and orders are not created for the part or its components.

Part and BOM Status

If the part's status is Estimating or Pre-Release, the part will be included in all reports, but no requisitions, MOs or reservations will be generated for it. If the part's BOM status is Unreleased, the part's components will be included on reports, but no requisitions, MOs or reservations will be generated for them.