Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor

Use this screen to enter a request for quote for a specific vendor.

You can enter multiple items and miscellaneous line charge types on the Request for Quote (RFQ) for the specified vendor. This screen displays any RFQs that already exist for a specific item (and the same vendor) on the Manage Request for Quotes by Item screen. You can also create RFQs using the Select Request for Quotes from Proposals and Create Request for Quotes for Proposals screens in Costpoint Materials Estimating. This screen displays any vendor RFQs that already exist for a proposal in Costpoint Materials Estimating.

Use this screen when a quote is required for one or more items from the same vendor.


This screen consists of these tabs:

  • Details: Use this tab to enter buyer and vendor information about the RFQ.
  • Defaults: Use this tab to enter default vendor information to use when you add a new line to the table window.
  • Notes: Use this tab to enter miscellaneous information about a RFQ.
  • Security Requirements: Use this tab to enter the default security requirements of any resources that are used for the requisition.