General Report Error Messages

These generalized errors may occur during the validation phase of the Import Items process.

??? is replaced by the column name that is in error; ?? is replaced by a numeric value that indicates the length or value limit.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
??? is required. Modify the input file to provide a valid value for the indicated column.
??? is not a valid number. Modify the input file to provide a valid numeric value for the indicated column.
Length > ??. Column can contain only ?? characters. Modify the input file to provide a smaller value (less than or equal to the number of characters indicated) for the indicated column.
??? is not a valid date. Modify the input file to provide a valid date value for the indicated column. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
??? (Number) cannot be > ??. Modify the input file to provide a valid numeric value less than or equal to the amount indicated for the indicated column.
??? (Number) cannot be < ??. Modify the input file to provide a valid numeric value greater than or equal to the amount indicated for the indicated column.
??? (Number) cannot contain decimals. The number being uploaded contains a decimal point that is not allowed for this column. Modify the input file to provide a whole number for the indicated column.
??? (Number) cannot be negative. The number being uploaded contains a minus sign that is not allowed for this column. Modify the input file to provide a positive number for the indicated column.
Invalid ???. The value being uploaded contains a value that is not allowed for this column. Modify the input file to provide a valid value. This message is usually (if space allows) followed by a list of the acceptable values.
Start Date cannot be > End Date. The Start Date must fall before the End Date provided. Double check both dates to ensure they comply with this rule.
Item used in PSP. U/M cannot be changed Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’ and Part has an existing proj. substitute part(s) or used as proj. substitute part
Item used in SPT. U/M cannot be changed Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’ and Part has an existing substitute part(s) or used as substitute part
PSP rejected, U/M does not match Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’ Proj substitute part’s U/M is not equal to  original part’s U/M
Item used in SPT. U/M cannot be changed Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’. Part has an existing proj. Substitute part(s) or used as. substitute part
SPT rejected, U/M does not match. Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’ and Substitute part’s U/M is not equal to original part’s U/M
Line XX is invalid. Conditions: Invalid line type, invalid delimiter, record do not have valid data and contains only the line type.
??? cannot be negative. For Shelf Life in Days, Planning Days Past Expiration Date, No. of Days for Recertification and No. of Extensions Allowed- IF the number being uploaded contains a minus sign which is not allowed for this column. Modify the input file to provide a positive number for the indicated column.
Allow Use Past Exp Date must be Y or N. When the entered value for Allow Use Past Expiration Date is not equal to Y or N.
Invalid Shelf Life Type. When the entered value is not equal to any of the following: None = null, Extendable = E, Non-extendable = N
XXX not allowed If Planning Days Past Expiration Date , No. of Days for Recertification and/or No. of Extensions Allowed is greater than 0 and Allow Use Past Expiration Date = N