Process Validations

PO Header

You can perform subcontract PO completion status updates only for POs with a status of O (Open) or S (System closed). The system displays a warning message if the input file subcontract PO has a header status of S. If the subcontract PO has a header status of C (Closed), V (Void), or P (Pending), the system generates an error message.

PO Line

You can apply status updates only to PO lines with a status of O (Open) or S (System closed). The program generates an error if a subcontract PO line has a status of P (Pending), V (Void), or C (Closed).

Status Updates

  • Add: Status updates: You can insert new updates if no previous status update records exist for the subcontract PO, or if a previous status update exists but vouchers have been created against it. If the subcontract PO has an existing status update record that has not yet been vouchered, you cannot perform new status updates against it, and the system generates an error message if you try. This condition is indicated by the Receipt Header Voucher Key (RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY) for the corresponding status update, which is populated with the value from Voucher Header (VCHR_HDR) table that was generated in the Costpoint Create Subcontract PO Voucher application. If no vouchers have been created, the value of this field is null, and new status updates are allowed for that PO.
  • Change: Status updates: You can update previously entered status update transactions depending upon whether or not a PO voucher has been generated against them. If the Receipt Header Voucher Key (RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY) is null (that is, no PO voucher has been generated against the transaction), you can make changes, and the system generates a warning. Otherwise, an error is generated and no changes are allowed.
  • Delete: Status Updates: You cannot delete existing status update transactions, regardless of whether or not any PO vouchers have been generated against them.

When checking against existing Receipt Header rows for previously saved status updates for any subcontract PO, the application looks for the combination of Purchase Order ID (PO_ID), Receipt ID (RECPT_ID), and/or Progress Payment Request Number (DRAW_RQST_NO). If the input file has a PO/Status Update ID, or a PO/Progress Payment Number, or a PO/Status Update ID/Progress Payment Request Number combination, the program looks at the corresponding row in the Receipt Header for a matching PO ID and Receipt ID and/or Progress Payment Request Number. If there is a match, the new transaction is an update, subject to conditions explained earlier. If there is no match, the new transaction is an insert, subject to conditions explained earlier.

Completion Work Amt and Stored Materials Amt

If the subcontract PO line order amount is zero, the Completed Work Amt or Completed Work Retention Amt cannot be greater than zero.

The Completed Work Retention Amt and Stored Materials Retention Amt cannot be greater than the Completed Work Amt and Stored Materials Amt, respectively, for the PO line.

The sum of the Completed Work Amt and Stored Materials Amt cannot exceed the PO line amount.

Percent Complete & Completed Work Amt

If the Percent Complete is in the input file and the Completed Work Amt is not, the system calculates the value of the Completed Work Amt using the Percent Complete provided in the input file. If the input file contains both the Percent Complete and Completed Work Amt, the program ignores the Percent Complete column in the input file and calculates the Percent Complete using the Completed Work Amt to keep the two columns synchronized. If neither is in the input file, the program does not change these columns.

Completed Work Retention Pct/Amt

If the Completed Work Retention Pct is in the input file and the Completed Work Retention Amt is not, the system calculates the value of Completed Work Retention Amt using the Completed Work Retention Pct provided in the input file. If the input file contains both the Completed Work Retention Pct and the Completed Work Retention Amt, the program ignores the Completed Work Retention Pct column in the input file and calculates the Completed Work Retention Pct using the Completed Work Retention Amt in order to keep the two columns synchronized. If neither is in the input file, the system calculates the Completed Work Retention Amt using the Completed Work Amt (it uses the updated value, if available; otherwise, it uses the existing value) and existing Completed Work Retention Pct for the PO line.

Stored Materials Retention Pct/Amt

If the Stored Materials Retention Pct is in the input file and the Stored Materials Retention Amt is not, the system calculates the value of Stored Materials Retention Amt using the Stored Materials Retention Pct provided in the input file. If the input file contains both the Stored Materials Retention Pct and Stored Materials Retention Amt, the program ignores the Stored Materials Retention Pct column in the input file and calculates the Stored Materials Retention Pct using the Stored Materials Retention Amt to keep the two columns synchronized. If neither is in the input file, the system calculates the Stored Materials Retention Amt using the Stored Materials Amt (it uses the updated value, if available; otherwise, it uses the existing value) and existing Stored Materials Retention Pct for the PO line.

Negative PO Line Extended Amount

In order to enable status updates for subcontract PO lines with negative extended amounts (entered as correction lines, for example), there are additional process validations. For such negative PO lines, the values for columns are as follows:

  • The Requested Work Amt (PO_LN.TRN_RQSTD_AMT, RQSTD_AMT) is equal to zero.
  • The Percent Complete (PO_LN.COMPLT_PCT) is synchronized with the Completed Work Amt, if that field is modified.
  • You can update the Completed Work Amt (PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT, COMPLT_AMT) with negative amounts to withhold partial or total payable amounts resulting from the negative order line. The value cannot be less than the PO line extended amount (negative).
  • The Stored Materials Amt (PO_LN. TRN_STORED_AMT, STORED_AMT) is equal to zero.
  • The Completed Work Retention Pct (PO_LN. COMPLT_RET_PCT) is equal to zero.
  • The Completed Work Retention Amt (PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, COMPLT_RET_AMT) is equal to zero.
  • The Stored Materials Retention Pct (PO_LN.STORED_RET_PCT) is equal to zero.
  • The Stored Materials Retention Amt (PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT, STORED_RET_AMT) is equal to zero.

Status (Subcontract PO Line/Header)

If the status update transaction line modifies the PO line so that the Stored Materials Amount is zero and the Completed Work Amount minus the Completed Work Retention Amt equals the Subcontract Order Amount, the process changes the status of the PO line to S (System closed). If such change results in all lines of the PO having a status of S, or C, or V, it changes the status of the PO header to S (System Closed).

If you modify a status update transaction line and either of the above conditions is no longer true, the process changes the status of the PO line to O (Open) (warning message generated), if it was previously S (System closed). If the PO header was previously S (System closed), it changes to O (Open). You cannot modify PO lines with a status of C (Closed).