Processing Details

Status Update ID

In order to assign the Status Update ID, the process first looks for the ID in the input file. If a Status Update ID exists on the Update Header input file, the application uses it in the update transaction. If the Status Update ID does not exist on the input file, the process follows the auto-assign logic.

For inventory users, auto-assign increments the last PO Receipt transaction in the WHSE_LAST_TRANS table for the corresponding Warehouse (Assign LAST_INVT_TRN_ID + 1 for S_INVT_TRN_TYPE = R). It also updates the WHSE_LAST_TRANS table with the new last number. If the Warehouse is not set up with a valid Last Trans ID for PO Receipts, the application will generate an error. For non-inventory users, the application will assign RECV_SETTINGS.LAST_RECPT_ID + 1, and update that column with the new last receipt number.

Progress Payment Request

The Progress Payment Request is a number referencing the request for payment made by the subcontractor for work done against the subcontract PO, and can be entered via the input file. Use the value entered in the input file, if available. Otherwise, the system automatically assigns a default progress payment request number for each subcontract PO, starting with "1" and incrementing by "1" for each subsequent progress payment. The default for subsequent progress payment requests is the maximum number plus "1". If the highest number permissible (999) has already been used, the system cannot increment further, and all subsequent progress payments must come from the input file. If it is not in the input file, the system displays an error.


All amount fields in the input file are assumed to be in the PO transactional currency (which may or may not be the same as the functional currency). During processing, the system calculates the corresponding value in terms of the functional currency using exchange rate information from the associated Purchase Order (e.g., the Transaction Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date), which defaults into the Status Update header (RECPT_HDR) from the Purchase Order (PO_HDR). Data is stored in both currencies. Subsequent calculations are performed separately for each currency.


All status update completion amounts and percentages entered via the input file are cumulative for the PO line (from inception to date). Such values exist for the individual status update transaction and also the total value for the PO line. For example, if the first status update transaction has a Completed Work Amt of $100, and the second status update transaction for the same PO line has a Completed Work Amt of $130, the total Completed Work Amt for that PO line is $130 (not $230). These values are stored in the PO Line (PO_LN) table:

  • Requested Work Amt (TRN_RQSTD_AMT, RQSTD_AMT)
  • Completed Work Amt (TRN_COMPLT_AMT, COMPLT_AMT)
  • Completed Work Retention Amt (TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT, COMPLT_RET_AMT)
  • Stored Materials Amt (TRN_STORED_AMT, STORED_AMT)
  • Stored Materials Retention Amt (TRN_STORED_RET_AMT, STORED_RET_AMT)

Incremental amounts are system-calculated, and indicate the changes due to individual updates (i.e., the difference between the values from the new update and the previous update). For example, in the scenario mentioned earlier, the Incremental Completed Work Amt would be $100 for the first status update, and $30 for the second update. These values are stored in the Receipt Line (RECPT_LN) table:

  • Incremental Requested Work Amt (TRN_INC_RQSTD_AMT, INC_RQSTD_AMT)
  • Incremental Completed Work Amt (TRN_INC_COMPLT_AMT, INC_COMPLT_AMT)
  • Incremental Completed Work Retention Amt (TRN_INC_CP_RET_AMT, INC_CP_RET_AMT)
  • Incremental Stored Materials Amt (TRN_INC_STORED_AMT, INC_STORED_AMT)
  • Incremental Stored Materials Retention Amt (TRN_INC_ST_RET_AMT, INC_ST_RET_AMT)