Screen Error Messages

This section contains the screen error messages you may encounter when importing purchase orders into Costpoint.

Error/Warning Message Error/Warning Condition, Resolution
Cannot open File The Input File entered has an incorrect format or file extension. Check file and try again.
Error copying input file: <file name> A fatal error occurred while trying to copy the Input File. Check user rights, disk space.
Error creating output file A fatal error occurred while trying to create output file. Check user rights, disk space.
Error deleting input file. A fatal error occurred while trying to delete Input File. Check user rights, disk space.
File does not exist. Check your path and try again. The Input File entered could not be found. The Input file must be in your working directory. Check your working directory in “File Properties” in the Windows Program Manager.
Input file cannot have an .OLD file extension The Input File selected has an extension of OLD.  This extension is not allowed since it is used for saving files after processing.