Processing Details

The Import Purchase Orders application uses the following dynamically created worktables for processing:

  • Z_PO_HDR
  • Z_PO_LN

Data Integrity Checking

The application checks for data integrity using the following tables and multicurrency-related tables.

An asterisk (*) precedes the tables that are required. Use the other tables as guidelines for additional information and data entry. All fields except Unit of Measure (UM) and Billing Cycle (BILL_CYCLE) are validated based on the user's company ID.

Costpoint Table Name Table Name Maintenance Screens
*VEND Vendor Materials / Purchasing / Vendors / Manage Vendors
*VEND_ADDR Vendor Address Materials / Purchasing / Vendors / Manage Vendors
*BRNCH_ADDR Branch Address Materials / Purchasing / Purchasing Codes / Manage Branch Locations
*VEND_TERMS Vendor Terms Accounting / Accounts Payable / Vendor and Subcontractor Controls / Manage Vendor Terms
*SHIP_ID Ship ID Materials / Purchasing / Vendors / Manage Vendors

Materials / Purchasing / Purchasing Codes / Manage Branch Locations

Materials / Sales Order Entry / Customers / Manage Customers

Materials / Inventory / Inventory Controls / Manage Warehouses

*UM Unit of Measure Materials / Purchasing / Purchasing Codes / Manage Units of Measure
LN_CHG_TYPE Line Charge Type Materials / Purchasing / Purchasing Codes / Manage Line Charge Types
*BUYER Buyer Materials / Purchasing / Purchasing Codes / Manage Buyers
STD_TEXT Standard Text
ITEM Item Materials / Product Definition / Items / Manage Parts

Materials / Product Definition / Items / Manage Services

Materials / Product Definition / Items / Manage Goods

ALT_PART Alternate Part Materials / Product Definition / Items / Manage Alternate Parts
CIS_CODES Construction Industry Scheme Codes Administration / System Administration / System Administration Controls / Manage Construction Industry Scheme Codes
VEND_CIS_INFO Vendor CIS Info Materials / Purchasing / Vendors / Manage Vendors
MU_SETTINGS Multicurrency Settings Accounts/Multicurrency/Multicurrency Settings
CURRENCY Currency Accounts/Multicurrency/Maintain Currencies
RT_SRCE RT_SRCE Accounts/Multicurrency/Maintain Exchange Rate Sources
RT_GRP Rate Group Accounts/Multicurrency/Maintain Exchange Rate Groups
RT_GRP_CRNCY Rate Group Currency Accounts/Multicurrency/Multicurrency Settings
MU_CRNCY_STATUS Currency Status Accounts/Multicurrency/Currency Status
RT_BY_DT Rate By Date Accounts/Multicurrency/Enter Daily Rates, Maintain Exchange Rates by Date
RT_BY_PD Rate by Period Accounts/Multicurrency/Enter Period Rates, Maintain Exchange Rates by Period

Processing Procedure

  1. The application inserts rows from the Input File into the worktables and validates each purchase order in its entirety.
  2. Defaults are applied.
  3. The application inserts any errors found into the error table. Purchase Orders with no errors are inserted or updated in the Costpoint tables.
  4. If a Purchase Order has errors, all its rows from the Input File will be written to the Error File (*.ERR).
  5. The Input File is renamed (*.OLD).
  6. The Error Report may be printed or viewed on the screen.
  7. Once you exit the screen, all data in all the worktables (including the Error table), are deleted.

    You can print or view the Error Report on the screen.


  • A maximum of two line charges is accepted per PO Line.
  • One Account ID is allowed per PO Line.
  • You cannot load historical purchase order data into the Archive tables. You can load such data with a Closed status (with some limitations) and then archive it using the Archive Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
  • The application does not auto-assign Purchase Order numbers.
  • The application does not process a purchase order if there are an insert record and an update record in the same Input File.
  • The application will not process correctly if there are duplicate records in the Input File.
  • You can use the Import Purchase Order application to generate releases against blanket POs, but it does not perform any blanket balance validation or allow the user to enter blanket restrictions.
  • Any new purchase orders will have the user’s company ID in the PO_HDR. For a user to change an existing purchase order, the company ID in the header must match the user’s company ID.

Changes to Purchase Orders

When you enter purchase orders through this interface, they are marked as loaded by the system using the Modified By field in all affected tables. 

Note: If you make changes to these purchase orders, Deltek recommends making them in the source system to maintain system integrity.

The following rules apply for updating existing purchase orders:

  • If receipts or vouchers exist, the program performs several edits.
  • The Order Quantity (ORD_QTY) cannot be less than the Received Quantity (RECVD_QTY) or Accepted Quantity (ACCPTD_QTY).
  • The Calculated PO Line Total Amount (PO_LN_TOT_AMT) cannot be less than the Vouchered Amount (VCHRD_AMT) or Posted Amount (PSTD_AMT).
  • No line renumbering is allowed. If you delete a line in the host system, the system sends a record with zero quantity, zero amount, and a status of V (Void).

Application Processing Notes

After you run this application, you should be able to view and/or update the purchase orders in Costpoint Purchasing.

Warning: Editing purchase order information in the input files for this application may cause discrepancies between the PO in the source system and the PO in Costpoint.

Most of the edits are contained in the Input File tables. Please see the relationships between the Purchase Order Line (PO_LN) and the Purchase Order Header (PO_HDR) for each input file field, and note the screen and report error messages that may display. For example, if you are running the Purchase Order Line input file, the Purchase Order ID must already exist. If you update the amount of the PO Line, you will need to adjust the PO Total Amount (PO_HDR.PO_TOT_AMT). Also note the relationships between all fields that are populated as a result of the calculations.

If the Input File contains purchase orders and/or lines that already exist in the database, the system assumes that the record needs to be updated. Therefore, fields in the Input File take precedence. For instance, if you have changed the quantity in the Input File, the program uses the new quantity and adjusts the PO Header accordingly. 

However, updates to a purchase order are restricted to certain fields if there are receipts and/or vouchers charged against it, with the exception of a status change.

Updates to the PO Header Status are allowed, even if there are no associated PO lines in the input file. The system displays an error message if the PO Header Status is changed to V (Void) or P (Pending) in the input file, and there are one or more existing PO lines for which PO Receipts or Vouchers have been created. The system also displays a warning message if the PO Header Status is changed from O (Open) or P (Pending) to V (Void); during processing, PO lines with an O (Open) or P (Pending) status is automatically voided (the status will change to V). Updates to the Blanket PO Header Status are not allowed if releases have already been created.