Select Bills for Posting Screen FAQs

This section contains FAQs about the Select Bills for Posting screen.

What processes can I execute if a bill is on Selected or Unselected status?

If a bill is on Selected status you can:

  • Print the bill on the Print Standard Bills or Print Progress Payment Bills screens.
  • Post the bill on the Post Standard Bills or Post Progress Payment Bills screen.

You cannot:

  • Change information on a bill that is on Selected status on the Manage Standard Bills or Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.
  • Recalculate a bill.

If a bill is on Unselected status you can:

  • Edit information on the bill.
  • Print draft copies of the bill.
  • Recalculate the bill.

You cannot print final bills or post the bill.

What types of bills can this process update?

Bills currently on the Manage Standard Bills or Manage Progress Payment Bills screens can be updated by this process. 

You must select the appropriate options in the Select Bill Type group box to identify the screen that you want to update. You must manually update the status of bills on the Manage Project Product Bills, Manage Manual Bills, Manage Customer Product Bills, and Manage Milestone Percent Complete Bills screens.  

Why would I use bill groups or bill cycles in this screen?

Select the billing cycles or bill groups only if you have set up billing cycles and billing groups on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Use either one of these selections to limit your update of the Manage Standard Bills or Manage Progress Payment Bills screens to specific sets of bills. Use of this feature is helpful, as the Manage Standard Bills screen generally contains records that are in multiple stages of completion. Since final invoices cannot be printed or posted until the bill has been selected, it can be useful to place groups or cycles on Selected or Unselected status.

You can establish billing groups by user, bill type, customer, and so on.  You can then use the bill groups to calculate, edit, print, and post bills.