MOs Subtask

Use this subtask to view open manufacturing order detail for a selected inventory record.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the part in the selected inventory record.


This column displays the revision number for the inventory record part.


This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure for the selected part.


This field displays the part description.


This field displays the project ID associated with the inventory record.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the manufacturing order ID.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type. Values are:

  • Standard
  • Customer Repair
  • Rework
MO Status

This field displays the MO Status. Values are:

  • Planned
  • Firm Planned
  • Released
  • In Shop
Open Allocated Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the build part that is yet to be completed and relieved to the build-to inventory abbreviation. This quantity will be zero if an MO is closed, even though it may not have been completed.

Completed Allocated Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the build part that was completed and relieved to the build-to inventory abbreviation.


This field displays the ID of the planner associated with the manufacturing order.


This field displays the ID of the supervisor responsible for this manufacturing order.


This field displays the warehouse in which the manufacturing order is being built.

Order Reference

This field displays the order with which the MO is referenced.

Order Ref Type

This field displays the type of order referenced.

Build Inv Abbrev

This field displays the manufacturing order build inventory abbreviation for the part being built.

Build Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the name of the manufacturing order build inventory abbreviation.

Build Project

This field displays the project associated with the manufacturing order build inventory abbreviation.

Build Proj Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation of the manufacturing order build project.

Netting Group

This field displays the netting group associated with the manufacturing order build project.

DPAS Rating This field displays the DPAS rating from the Build Project of the manufacturing order (MO).
Order Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order was created.

Need Date

This field displays the actual need date of the manufacturing order.

Planned Completion Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order is planned for completion.

Planned Release Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order is planned for release.

Release Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order was actually released.

Planned In Shop Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order is scheduled to be sent to the shop floor for manufacturing.

In Shop Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order was sent to the shop floor for manufacturing.

Completion Date

This field displays the date on which the manufacturing order was completed.


This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not material issues have taken place for the manufacturing order.


This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not timesheet charges have taken place for the manufacturing order.

Subcontract Charges

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not subcontract charges have taken place for the manufacturing order.

Pick List Printed

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not a pick list has been printed for the manufacturing order. If the MO document package does not include a pick list, NA displays.

Assembly Sheet Printed

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not an assembly sheet has been printed for the manufacturing order. If the MO document package does not include an assembly sheet, NA displays.

Routing Traveler Printed

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not a routing traveler has been printed for the manufacturing order. If the MO document package does not include a routing traveler, NA displays.

Component Labels Printed

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not component labels have been printed for the manufacturing order. If the MO document package does not include component labels, NA displays.

Configuration List Printed

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not a configuration list has been printed for the manufacturing order. If the MO document package does not include configuration lists, NA displays.

Total MO Build Quantity

This field displays the total build quantity for the manufacturing order.

Completed Total Quantity

This field displays the total quantity relieved for the manufacturing order.


This field displays the ID of the organization assigned to the manufacturing order.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation of the organization ID assigned to the manufacturing order.

Allow Issues

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not additional material issues are allowed for the manufacturing order.

Allow Timesheets

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not additional timesheet entries are allowed for the manufacturing order.

Allow Subcontracts

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not additional subcontracts are allowed for the manufacturing order.


This field displays the bill of materials configuration to which the build part is being built. Costpoint uses this configuration to determine the BOM components to be used when building this part.

This field is unavailable if you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.


This field displays the date that determines the loading of the selected part's bill of material and operation routings depending on their effectiveness as of the provided date.

Explosion Levels

This field displays the specified number of levels of explosion for the bill of material for the selected part used to determine material requirements.


This field displays the inventory reservation ID for the components/subassemblies requirements generated by the MO process.


This field displays the routing number.

Rout Desc

This field displays the routing description.

Expediting Notes

This field displays expediting notes associated with the manufacturing order. These notes are entered on the Notes tab of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control and do not print with the MO documentation.

MO Header Notes

This field displays header notes associated with the manufacturing order. These notes are entered on the Notes tab of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control and can be printed with the MO documentation.

Config Desc

This field displays the configuration description.


Subtask Description
MO Requirements Click this link to access the MO Requirements subtask, which displays the component requirements for the manufacturing order for the selected line.
MO Routings Click this link to access the MO Routings subtask, which displays the operation routings for the manufacturing order for the selected line.