Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue

Use this screen to enter prior fiscal year cost and revenue information for a project/organization combination.

This information is used to enable correct ceiling calculations and to print prior-year history and cumulative information on reports.

You enter data using either the actual or the target rates, depending on how each fiscal year was closed. The Fiscal Year table displays which rate type was used for closing purposes. You can enter cost and revenue data at any level of an organization. Organization numbers, project numbers, and account numbers entered must exist in their respective tables but are not required to be currently open.

The individual lines of the screen represent the individual cost accounts or revenue accounts used by each project. Revenue is computed by each individual cost account. Therefore, to initialize the prior year information, you must first break down cost, burden, and fee for each cost component. In situations where ceilings are invoked, if revenue adjustments are booked and they cannot be tied back to a single cost account, the revenue account is used for storing these items. After data entry, the sum of the Total Revenue column by organization for all accounts shown equals the project's total revenue recognized for the displayed fiscal year.

Warning: The Markup_Fee_Amt and  Tot_Rev_Markup_Amt columns in the PSR_PY_SUM table must not be populated with any data. At the close of the fiscal year, these columns net to zero, so prior year information is not required. In addition, the Oth_Fee_Amt column is used only for revenue rows, never transaction rows.

Amounts are displayed in functional and billing currencies. You can change the billing currency as well as the exchange rate on the Exchange Rates subtask. Use the Recalculate button on this screen to update the functional and billing amounts when the exchange rate information has changed.

Use this screen only to initialize prior fiscal year information for a project during a Costpoint implementation. Use the Update Prior Year History screen, which is run as part of the process of closing a fiscal year, to update fiscal year information for projects after Costpoint is operational.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.