Manage Purchase Orders

Use the Manage Purchase Orders screen to enter purchase order (PO) information that enables the printing of purchase orders directly from Costpoint.

Both purchase orders and blanket orders can be added and/or modified only on this screen.

This screen has the following tabs:

  • Header: Use this tab to enter buyer, vendor, order date, status and procurement type information.
  • Other Information: Use this tab to enter contact, acknowledgment and other information about the purchase order.
  • Accounting Defaults: Use this tab to enter project, account and organization information.
  • Other Defaults: Use this tab to enter shipping, delivery and other default information about the purchase order.
  • Vendor Address: Use this tab to enter vendor address details.
  • Bill To & Return Address: Use this tab to enter bill-to and return address for the purchase order.
  • Blanket Info: Use this tab to enter the period of performance, blanket amounts and blank PO restrictions.
  • Security Requirements: Use this tab to enter the security requirements of any resources that are used for the PO.
  • Subcontract Information: Use this tab to link a purchase order (PO) to one (1) existing subcontract on the Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR) screen. Lookup for a subcontract ID displays only active subcontract IDs for the matched PO header vendor and company.

You can add or modify the actual items and descriptions of the items being purchased. Use the Create Release button to create blanket purchase order releases from this screen in addition to the Create Blanket PO Release screen.

Use this screen whenever purchase orders or blanket orders need to be added or modified. All vendors, general ledger accounts, projects, organizations, buyers, and items should be previously established in their respective tables.